Game Spinoff: POETRY Change a letter


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
MT Mentor
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
May 27, 2004
Reaction score
Not BC, Not DC
This thread is for anyone who wants to continue the poetry trend in the Change a Letter game.

Round the house I dusted
Poetry I trusted
But some would not
Topic's not hot
And my balloon is Bursted...

ah better for me, my rhyming buds.
What word did you choose,
if not with the moose,
to begin this new game
or is it more of the same?
Then I guess I will lead off
with a word no one can SCOFF,
and see who next will take
a new poem to make.

- Ceicei
Yes let's do keep our rhyming FOCUS
Some folks think it's HOCUS POCUS
But poetry, in earnst of time,
Verses are simply divine
To tend one's garden and we see
Our efforts lend no futility
Flat we have not heard from yet
He'll post next, now - wanna bet?

Tigerwoman, thinking of -
Intervention from above
I think she needs to solve her quest
She will soon prove she's the best.
Seek another teacher, she?
I don't know...perhaps we'll see.
Her knees will not last very long
She will up and bang the gong.
In the summer time, a lone LOCUST
would dance and play all day.
The worker ants all march hard,
not a word they'll say.

Don't roll your eyes with this story,
for there is much to learn.
Things that happen around us,
The moral we can discern.

If we learn from life itself,
then wisdom we can gain.
The martial arts we study,
Our bodies we can train.

The ant or locust, what are we?
Should we dare to say?
I'll tell you what I think--
Training is work and play!

- Ceicei
Using all our TOOLS
We refine just who we are;
Like trimming Bonsai!
Shall we wait when the Goldendragon DROOLS,
Or when TigerWoman makes her roar?
Perhaps Flatlander with his witty duels,
Or Technopunk does his technodance?
When She-Sulsa makes her lethal strike,
And Nightingale sings her song,
Maybe Touch'o'Death with his magic spike....

May get MartialTalk into this rhyme?
Isn't it about time?

- Ceicei
I guess with this thread,
it is no longer read
if people feel like FOOLS
with their literary tools.
Perhaps the juices of creativity
is now a dead activity?

- Ceicei
Rhyming dead? Appears it so;
Responses now are much too SLOW.
Flatlander's not showing, well;
Dragon's breath no longer smell
Techno doesn't do his dance
They think thread is dead, perchance?
This thread shall return, but who's to say
whether or not they all want to play.
Perhaps once again we'll continue to rhyme
when the lyrical FLOW finds a new day
to take up some more of our Martial Talk time.

And so now I'll attempt to fill in some space
that I may want to come back, review and erase.
I'll see how I feel once I finish this post.
You might see me here or some other place,
Unless I'm invisible, like shadow or ghost.
Let's BLOW our horns for there is more,
Flatlander is finally here!
Grab your glasses full of milk,
wine, water, and beer!
Posted some
Haiku before, but no-one
Noticed it.

Is posting now with a WORD;
Oh, lyrical DOOR, should you open once more,
reveal unto me, so I will not bore
the talented people who try to compose
Poetic reflections, and heartfelt prose.

An interesting variance on previous game
the differences subtle, no longer the same.
The challenge available to all who choose,
Why not DROP in, you've got nothing to lose!
'Pon worthy verse, recline, I - sit and BROOD
Such kind that won't offend or be too lewd
Ceicei's verse so fair and rhythm speak,
Worthiness I seek of groovy dude
And awesome chick's company this week

Blunders past - mine own - remain the taunt
Trusting past relations...that's the haunt.
Curious that some need to deceive,
Though mine own spirit, efforts will not daunt
Nor hinder zeal here - I will achieve.
:asian:Thank you.

Five days past since previous post,
This slower moving thread
appears too difficult for most.
Enjoying other games intead.

Admittedly its kind of hard
perhaps I'm just a nerd.
And I request that you please pard
on me for splitting that WORD.


Going out of state now
with a bike trailer in tow
and a family of six,
a wonderful mix!

The laptop and modem
came along with 'em.
Wireless without a CORD
keeps kids not bored.
They say it's hard to rhyme
but they don't take the time
A limmerick's fun -
the rhyme is won
The benefits are sublime.

Vacation woes aspire
A sitter I need to hire
"Mom - oh CRUD -
I'm in the mud!"
You'd think they were on fire.

Waking by still water early, as the sun rises over the mountain and the mist begins to drift, you can see evergreens do their god-given duty - breathe. Mist and steam arise from them as sunlight hits them and you can almost smell the cleanness of the air wafting across the reservoir, dancing up your nostrils and into your chest, cooling your breath, warming your heart and awakening your bones. Trout tease you as they quickly down their early breakfast of gnats and mosquitos. First awake, the breeze kicks up and tousles your hair and, surrounded by the miracles of nature, you suddenly feel very small and unimportant.

Nearly weightless in the water, you feel sand and stones and muck between your toes as variable temperatures wash over you and drift you outward, teasingly toward the center of the lake and you think you see a bear on the opposite bank. You get out and leap from rock to rock to regain your balance and agility and watch the chipmunks scatter halfway up the tree and stare at you as though you were a clown...and suddenly, you feel like one...and laugh with them! The doe smiles as she walks her fawn past, the crows announce revele as eagles catch their morning meal, the crickets retire as the children begin to wake....
I got a note that was quite clear
She said they miss me posting here
So back I am to share my wit
And give you all a little $hi_

I'm off to Long Beach to the IKC's
Renewing friendships and showing my knees
I may be judging parts of the event
Promoters know judges are heaven sent

Then off to 6 Flaggs to get a thrill or two
Riddlers Revenge and Superman too
If it's hot, the log ride is first
To bust the need and stop the thirst

To Drive by the old Pasadena School
And bring back a good memory or two
A visit to Frank and Edmund as well
Possibly even Billy ......... oh what the hell.

A fun trip to end this summer of many events
Then drive back home to fix the fence.
Repair the gates, then clean the pool
Then jump right in to get back to cool

My D-Backs are endng their season
Our worst one ever
While the Dodgers are leading the division
With their closer Gogne whose clever

So I'll close for now have fun till then
Be back soon with a big huge grin
I'll recap the trip and so much more
Unless of course this is a bore...

So G'day to ya'll
I'll be back soon
Write a bunch for me to catch up on
Or I'll call you all goons!

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