Future of the Study

What should we do with The Study?

  • Close it. It detracts from the focus of the site.

  • Keep it. Make it an Opt-In section for all members.

  • Keep it. Restrict it to Supporting Members.

  • Don't care.

Results are only viewable after voting.
I'm shaking my head here at the lates rep I got! No not neg but seriously odd all the same.
I think it proves one thing that what you post is open to serious misinterpretation and that people have weird ideas about others character. It's like imagining that inanimate objects have human characteristics, people assign emotions to you here that you simply aren't feeling. I may write with passion about things I'm passionate about but never am I crying and I make a point of not being personally offended. I can point out that sometimes what someone said is a kick in the teeth to some other groups of people.

I think as had been said before what's written in one emotion is read by another in a different emotion but the reader assumes theirs is the correct one, hence a lot of misunderstandings. Don't assume the writer understands life as you do, don't assume the writer is even thinking the same as you and don't assume you know the writer unless you actually do. Hell, people here don't even know what I look like or very many personal details about me so how can they construe meanings from my posts or emotions I was feeling when I wasn't? It's a dangerous thing to do, reading people's posts as if you were writing them, it leads to most of the misunderstandings we have here. If you think I'm angry when writing you are wrong, if you think I'm crying you are wrong unless it's a post on the Remembrance section., if you think I'm easily upset, you are wrong, that's you reading into something that's not there, not my writing.

Thanks for the rep but you are very, very wrong.
I'll have salad for dinner. To bring balance to The Bob.

I'm shaking my head here at the lates rep I got! No not neg but seriously odd all the same.
I think it proves one thing that what you post is open to serious misinterpretation and that people have weird ideas about others character. It's like imagining that inanimate objects have human characteristics, people assign emotions to you here that you simply aren't feeling. I may write with passion about things I'm passionate about but never am I crying and I make a point of not being personally offended. I can point out that sometimes what someone said is a kick in the teeth to some other groups of people.

I think as had been said before what's written in one emotion is read by another in a different emotion but the reader assumes theirs is the correct one, hence a lot of misunderstandings. Don't assume the writer understands life as you do, don't assume the writer is even thinking the same as you and don't assume you know the writer unless you actually do. Hell, people here don't even know what I look like or very many personal details about me so how can they construe meanings from my posts or emotions I was feeling when I wasn't? It's a dangerous thing to do, reading people's posts as if you were writing them, it leads to most of the misunderstandings we have here. If you think I'm angry when writing you are wrong, if you think I'm crying you are wrong unless it's a post on the Remembrance section., if you think I'm easily upset, you are wrong, that's you reading into something that's not there, not my writing.

Thanks for the rep but you are very, very wrong.

OH REALLY!!! So you're in FAVOR of Bob eating pizza..IS THAT IT!!!!! :uhyeah:
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I'm just happy to be here. I think this discussion/decision should be left to the members of MT that have been here a long time.

To me, if something I read is bothering me, I just don't read it. And if everyone's opinion was the same - that would be very odd.
Honestly, having seen the behavior of a couple of posters who people tend to lump me in with, in this thread and over the past couple of days. I'm fairly disgusted.
This forum is much like a martial arts school. Bob's school. If you guys had one person... not necessarily a bad person... in your school who was a consistent, negative force, what would you do? I know from previous discussions that most of you wouldn't hesitate to invite this person to leave if it came to that. There would be no thoughts of free speech or the student's "right" to stay. There wouldn't be any consideration of censorship. That would be ridiculous. If the student was disruptive to the atmosphere in the school and fails to fall in line, you would ask him to leave.

This isn't a public square. It's Bob's little place on the internet. He pays the bills. He sets the rules. He keeps the lights on. We have no right to free speech. We have no right to dictate the rules. Whether we're "right" or "wrong" is beside the point completely. This is Bob's place and he sets the rules. It then becomes our choice whether to hang around and willingly comply with the rules or move on to a place better suited to our personality and point of view.
I see your point steve. For example, you have a tae kwon do school with several training areas, one area is down the hall, in the basement, around the corner and through two doors, away from the main floor, and the guy in there teaches fma, and is polite, so when people intentionally go down the hall, down the stairs, around the corner, through the two doors and open the door to this training area and then say, hey, I don't like what this one person is doing way back here, the type of material he is working on and the way he is doing it offends me, let's kick him out. Yes, I can see how that would work. And as everyone acknowledges, Bob's word is law, he owns the site, I believe in private property rights so what he decides here is law. So let it be written, so let it be done.
I see your point steve. For example, you have a school with several training areas, one area is down the hall, in the basement, around the corner and through two doors, away from the main floor, so when people intentionally go down the hall, down the stairs, around the corner, through the two doors and open the door to this training area and then say, hey, I don't like what this one person is doing way back here, the type of material he is working on and the way he is doing it offends me. Yes, I can see how that would work. And as everyone acknowledges, Bob's word is law, he owns the site, I believe in private property rights so what he decides here is law. So let it be written, so let it be done.
:) If we're looking at the school metaphor, this is more like an open gym area, where everyone's mixed together. While the forums have areas, my impression is that most people just use the "new posts" link and pay attention to the forums primarily when posting a new thread.

But ultimately, in the end, we agree on the important stuff. :)
I see your point steve. For example, you have a tae kwon do school with several training areas, one area is down the hall, in the basement, around the corner and through two doors, away from the main floor, and the guy in there teaches fma, and is polite, so when people intentionally go down the hall, down the stairs, around the corner, through the two doors and open the door to this training area and then say, hey, I don't like what this one person is doing way back here, the type of material he is working on and the way he is doing it offends me, let's kick him out. Yes, I can see how that would work. And as everyone acknowledges, Bob's word is law, he owns the site, I believe in private property rights so what he decides here is law. So let it be written, so let it be done.

I fixed up my example, but it is still a more accurate picture than an open gym area. You have to actively seek out the other guy to be offended.
Quite right! Or as another example, it'd be like a number of regulars sitting in Bob's Cafe, discussing various newspaper articles, having the occassional argument, but everyone being generally respectful. Now if a person were to walk into said cafe with a copy of the local supermarket tabloid, dropping a copy of the most slanted, inciteful articles on top of everyone's bagels, baiting people into arguments and pretty much farting in everyone's general direction, none of us would make any claim otherwise if Bob, the owner of said Cafe, were to ask this individual to shut up or leave. Or to the contrary, inform everyone that said person can say whatever he wants because he paid the cover charge. It is, after all, Bob's Cafe.

That example doesn't work randomphantom. More accurately, you would have to walk over to the guys corner table way in the back, where he is quietly and politely stating his opinions and declare loudly to the whole room, I don't like what he reads or what he says, let's grab him and toss him out. That is about where this discussion is.
That example doesn't work randomphantom. More accurately, you would have to walk over to the guys corner table way in the back, where he is quietly and politely stating his opinions and declare loudly to the whole room, I don't like what he reads or what he says, let's grab him and toss him out. That is about where this discussion is.

Man's gotta point.

It might be best-if I can carry the analogy back to MT-if we were to collectively agree to ignore such a person, and let him have his "corner table," untroubled by any opinion of what he is quietly doing over there......
I fixed up my example, but it is still a more accurate picture than an open gym area. You have to actively seek out the other guy to be offended.
Okay. But you seem to be missing my point. Whether it's down the hall or out in the parking lot or in another virtual building, my original point remains the same. If you own the school, whether it's one room or a sprawling, multi-level complex, as a school owner you wouldn't hesitate to ask a belligerent, disruptive student to leave. He may be a super-nice guy, but you'd invite him to find another school better suited.

The key difference, billicihak, is that you're still taking it from the perspective of the student whom you feel is being picked on. Ultimately, whether or not the complaints are valid again fall to Bob. It's his business. This is about Bob. The point is, if this were a brick and mortar business, it would be obvious. Because it's on the internet, we think we have a right to free speech and cry "censorship" when we're told to stop being a jerk.

If this makes more sense to you in a multi-room, multi-level metaphor, great. Have it your way. :)

If I become so disruptive to the forum that I'm invited to leave, I'll probably be a little butthurt. I won't lie. I'd be offended. But ultimately, it's not about me. I could post about censorship, but I'd be wrong. I could lash out angrily about how people ratted me out or were oversensitive or didn't like me... but none of that matters. I would probably get over it pretty quickly, but ultimately, whether or not I ever get over it is irrelevant. Whether I "deserved" to be asked to leave is also irrelevant. If this were a brick and mortar school, this would all be self-apparent.
Innappropriate references aside, you are on the right track Elder, the need to not be offended by alternative viewpoints is not flattering to those people.