Forum Rules Updated

Effective 9/21/04

Any continuation of the constant and/or subtle sniping will see not only the thread locked but the perpetrator(s) immediately suspended, without warning.

Seig as there are many ways of describing "sniping" would you please clarify the term as regards this forum.
It's those subtle, personal digs that some folks seem incapable of refraining from that we're trying to remove. I think most of our members won't be effected by this.

With or without the ghille :D
ah that's why there was that big lump of grass and straw in my dorm room....i didn't think much about it...but now that you mention it...i think it's moving....ahhHHHH!!!

KenpoTess said:
Sniping in this context is: To make malicious, underhand remarks or attacks.
Usually this has a historical precident and has happened on multiple threads as the persons making the snipes (wasn't that a hunt in Cub Scouts?), follows the other person across threads spreading the dissention, regardless of topic.

This rule give us the ability to respond faster and nip in the bud ... especially with those who consistantly participate in this type of behaviour.
