Former Marine tackles robbery suspect


MT Mentor
Apr 23, 2003
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Here is another story about a marine who helps to protect society through his actions. Gotta love these people in who were/are in the military!

DECATUR, Georgia (AP) -- A former Marine, already irritated about the disappearance of $100 from his bank account, tackled a suspected robber who came into the bank wielding a fire extinguisher and demanding cash.

How willing are we to take action if we see a robbery take place somewhere? If you are indirectly not involved (more as a bystander, perhaps hidden in a store for example, or if you see something happen through a window), would you take action? Or would you rather wait until you are directly threatened?

- Ceicei
Without a doubt, I'd at the least, call the police. Providing them with as much info. as possible, would be more of a help to them, than if I decided to take some sort of action. Giving them another potential hostage isn't helping me or the police.
In the same scenirio always but what if they had real guns and bombs just better to stay and let the trained Police do there job, better safe than sorry.
I'd just stay still and let the police handle it. It could make things worse by getting more involved.
"He held the man down -- lecturing him on his poor decision -- until authorities arrived."

I _LOVE_ that part!
I always maintain that if I can help in a situation then I will - it's my upbringing, what can I say :eek:.

Nowadays, due to my oft referred to wonky arm, direct action is not really a plausible response for me. But, you don' t have to smack the thief on the nose to help.

Depending on your assessment of the physical threat to yourself, something as simple as boldly and openly calling the police on your mobile may do the job - you have to eat a blow or two for it but if the robbers depart poste haste then the job is done.
In the same scenirio always but what if they had real guns and bombs just better to stay and let the trained Police do there job, better safe than sorry.

I'd just stay still and let the police handle it. It could make things worse by getting more involved.

If the suspect had a gun he ( the Marine) might have reacted differently..The suspect had a fire extinguisher if I read that right..My opinion is the "jarhead" did good...We ( the cops) cannot be everywhere and are glad when a private citizen helps out without getting himself or others hurt..As for myself I'd have taken him on...