FMAT: Ethics in Combat

Clark Kent

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Sep 11, 2006
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Ethics in Combat
By silat1 - 04-22-2009 08:02 AM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


Since there was a recent thread on fighting for fame, I figured I would put a spin on the topic by asking this question.. When you are faced with an assailant and there is no way out of the fight, what are your thoughts of ethics or the old "fighting fairly"in the confrontation?

Would you spit in his eyes, finger jab into the eye or fake low and kick him in the nads to get the upper hand in the first moments of the situation?

I ask this as I wrote a response to a query that I got via another forum, so I figured I would ask it before I put my response on this...

Make all responses as you would react to the situation and to gain the upper hand as I will respond with another thread once this one is beaten silly..


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I have to say that there is no such thing as a fair fight and if someone is pressuring you into a confrontation (which is the assumption based off the initial statement) then Doom on Him or Doom on You for not doing what needs to be done. Because you must assume at a base it is a fight for survival with winning the preferred outcome.

Shin kicks, groin kicks, shots to the eyes or throat are all fair game if when someone else pushes you into a situation but that shouldn't preclude you from getting tunnel vision and making a break for it when/if the opportunity arises.

So I say kick to the shin once or twice hard enough to hurt and the moment his/her hands start to cover low in reaction a claw or spear to the eyes should set up a big enough opening to sweep, lock-up (including chokes) or drive a heavy shot to something that will take any fight out of anything.

Weapons would not be ruled out either whether they are real or improvised especially where there is a size disparity or obvious skill disparity against you.

As an LEO I have been taught to attack vision, breathing and balance. It has worked on the few occaisions where hands on has been a (rare) necessity.
As trained fighters we all have a plethoria of valid and appropriate first responses. To say which we would use is pointless. The body reacts! There is no fair or dirty fighting in a truely life and death situation; there is only the instinct to survive.

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