Flashy Techniques

Flashy moves are for show rather than for usefulness or producing effect and are usually more difficult to use. In other words, it's useless in actual fights.
:hmm: OK but if you do a traditional form or fight traditionally but dress like this


Or what about this


Is it still flashy :D
The XMA uniform is also called the Spaceman Spiff suit.
To me both of those images are the same.

On the subject of the XMA and their flashy pointless movements, I wonder why someone who wants to do that kind of movement doesn't stick with dance or gymnastics. Acrobatic skills are awesome and I wish I had the ability to flip around in the air like that, but jumping around screaming, and punching at nothing does not make a martial artist.
Regardless of what it is named, XMA is nothing but dance routines. It bears no resemblance to practical martial arts.
Flashy moves are for show rather than for usefulness or producing effect and are usually more difficult to use. In other words, it's useless in actual fights.
Heh. Remember this?

Yeah, it's a clip from a movie but it illustrates the concept perfectly.

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