first move in a REAL fight


Senior Master
Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
thaiboxer said:
What would be the first move you would try to perform if confronted in a real fight? (lets just say the opponent is standing, almost front on, with his arms slightly raised to his chest and clinched for arguments sake), what would be your first killer move?
Just remember the key elements of winning real confrontations. Speed, Surprise and Violence of Action. Regardless of what technique you use, if it doesn't involve all 3 of those things mentioned, they are less likely to succeed.

Surprise is what seperates the real world from the ring. In the ring, you and your opponent know when the fight starts, the referee tells him, and he knows when it ends. You also pretty much know the general form your opponents attack will take (though surprises can happen) given the general format of the event.

You know, for example, if it's a Judo tournament, he probably isn't going to punch you. If it's Mixed-Martial arts, it'll probably involve anything within the rules of the tournament.

In the street, someone involved in the fight (you or him) will control the time the fight starts, and the time it ends. It isn't agreed upon, and there is a HUGE element of surprise. Moreover, any technique, any tool, any variation is possible.

Again, Speed, Surprise and Violence of Action, if you MUST fight. Control those 3 things, or your opponent will.


2nd Black Belt
Nov 16, 2005
Reaction score
AdrenalineJunky said:
This really depends on experience. If you try to knee me--mostly because we knee lot--my reaction will be much different than some, random person. Tricks like this really only work on people who don't fight. Likewise, faking a punch to my gut is not going to get me to drop my guard. You can punch me and kick me in the stomach all day long, as far as I'm concerned; but I won't be dropping my guard. Also, grabbing someone's hands is not advisable, from my perspective, for a few reasons:
  • Both of your hands are occupied
  • You have given up your guard
  • You leave yourself open for knees
  • You put yourself right in clinch range; which is where I, myself, would want you to be
Tricks and one-hit-knock-outs do happen, I've seen them happen. That said, the fact that, in all the people I've fought (sparring or otherwise) not once has it happened to me, nor have I done it to someone else. And since my knees and elbows are such that I manage to fold some pretty heavy banana bags, put some pretty decent fighters on the ground, and I still haven't done the one-hit-knock-out, leads me to believe that, when it does happen, it's due more to chance than anything else. Chance is nice, but certainly not anything I chose to train myself to rely on.

Arent we all getting a little too technical here?its not like a full kumate tournment is going to be unleashed in the middle of the pub?!
You can tell a fighter by the way he holds himself,that's when I'd worry about tactics....first move would be me blocking his right hand,I cant see bob from yorkshire down the pub trying to put me in a muay thai clinch with a guiness in his hand,it just doesnt happen normal man on the street will through his right hand and I'll slip/block it and then cause him some trouble.

As for one hit knockouts,they do happen..its not really chance but more to do with science.


Green Belt
Jun 21, 2006
Reaction score
Fort Wayne, IN
thaiboxer said:
What would be the first move you would try to perform if confronted in a real fight? (lets just say the opponent is standing, almost front on, with his arms slightly raised to his chest and clinched for arguments sake), what would be your first killer move?

No move. The one who moves first loses (karate ni sente nashi).


2nd Black Belt
Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
my house
well there have been a lot of good posts here - poo has always been an effective tactic - but the last time someone was foolish enough to actually stand in front of me and try to start a fight I was still a bouncer so I just nodded to my coworker and we grabed the guy and threw him out of the club

that's my killer move - the nod.

the most effective tactic I ever saw was the hard shove. I saw a guy go flying over a table from a hard shove. Simple, but effectively ended the fight right there.


Green Belt
Jun 3, 2006
Reaction score
Um, I would just go with the "it depends" norm standby. Hopefully, I'd vome up with some thoroughly ingenious one-move ko attack that hits its target and ends the fight but I doubt that. I just have to hope that instead of standing there panicking, my ma training would actually kick in and I'd be able to do something.


Senior Master
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
St. Louis
thaiboxer said:
What would be the first move you would try to perform if confronted in a real fight? (lets just say the opponent is standing, almost front on, with his arms slightly raised to his chest and clinched for arguments sake), what would be your first killer move?

Gee, if I had to fight I would go with a twist kick reverse punch combo. It all depends on how the situation plays out.


Purple Belt
May 22, 2003
Reaction score
If I was working, then the proverbial one second burst of OC spray to the facial area comes to mind. Mag light to the com peroneal perhaps? If I wasn't at work, in the old days my philospohy was, if it looks like violence is unavoidable, beat them to the punch. Now, I'm more likely to stay out of situations where violence is unavoidable. I'm more willing to talk my way out a situation. If all else fails, if im in a bar, he's probably drunk and I'm not; I'll try to subdue and diffuse. If I'm confronted on the street for no visible reason, I assume they have something criminal in mind. If strong words don't cause them to back off, then do whatever is required to neutralize the threat.


Black Belt
Jan 6, 2006
Reaction score
Beltsville, MD
Hand Sword said:
First? Spit in his face. This will cause him to pull back his head, with it, his hands too. Then go from there.
Hear. hear! I am with that. If you know the confrontation is unavoidable and you need a good first move, spitting will work. Not an absolute, but bubble yum helped me out of a few beat downs around DC at a young age. I have also mentioned in some post before about fillipino mace, spitting tobacco juice, stings quite a bit. Even seen a redneck here in Nashville use it last 4th of July. I know jack $#it, he lives in Nashville TN. LOL. I also agree with Tradrockrat, I used to bounce in Georgetown DC years ago. There is nothing like a coworker with good wherewithall. PEACE


Black Belt
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
Northern Ireland
I would wait until the attacker attacked me and then I would make my first move, I dont know what my first move would be, it really depends on what position im in, what position the attacker is in and how the attacker attacks me.

Martial Tucker

Black Belt
May 31, 2004
Reaction score
Sweet Home, Chicago
Front leg low side kick to his thigh/knee/shin. He almost certainly won't be looking for that. Whatever I hit, fine, as long as it disables his "wheels" long enough for me to either escape, or if that's not plausible, finish him with a power kick or my hands.


Yellow Belt
Jul 5, 2006
Reaction score
I really don't like to talk about what I've done to defend myself but for the sake of the thread i'll give you a little example from what happened to me at a subway/gastation a few months ago.

Me and one of my freinds were enjoying lunch when this obnoxcious guy comes in causing a few problems but nothing to serious he's yelling at the girls at the counter and just all around being a jerk. So I mind my own business and just eat my sandwhich then I go to the bathroom to wash my hands. When I walk out this stranger is standing there he tells me to get out of his way so I oblige. Apparently that wasn't enough for him because then he called me a few names and shoved me. Now I could of taken his ranting and raving but I do not like to be touched So I told him he had better just go back to what he was doing or something bad was going to happen. He got in the pose whcih I've labeled the ganster pose. you know where they stand up straight with their chin up and their hands outstretched totally opening themselves up? well at this point there was no way out of the fight because we were in a small hallway So I took matters into my own hands and headbutted him using the the upper part of my forhead i got him in the nose It stunned him enough for me to grab a MGD bottle off of the shelf next to me and bust it over his head. I know this isn't very passive but this guy was alot bigger then me and I don't think i oculd of taken to much punsihment from him.

My point is Strike first Strike hard

Hand Sword

Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Sep 22, 2004
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In the Void (Where still, this merciless GOD torme
spinkick said:
My point is Strike first Strike hard


Sorry, couldn't help it.


Senior Master
Mar 15, 2005
Reaction score
Block or move. One or the other followed by the other. Keeping the breathing smooth and steady.

Kwai chang caine

Yellow Belt
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
There is no ideal move that is perfect for every situation. There are so many options. It is usually better to be defensive and counter the enemy's movements. When someone attacks they open themselves up to a defensive counter-attack.

Kwai chang caine

Yellow Belt
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
spinkick said:
I really don't like to talk about what I've done to defend myself but for the sake of the thread i'll give you a little example from what happened to me at a subway/gastation a few months ago.

Me and one of my freinds were enjoying lunch when this obnoxcious guy comes in causing a few problems but nothing to serious he's yelling at the girls at the counter and just all around being a jerk. So I mind my own business and just eat my sandwhich then I go to the bathroom to wash my hands. When I walk out this stranger is standing there he tells me to get out of his way so I oblige. Apparently that wasn't enough for him because then he called me a few names and shoved me. Now I could of taken his ranting and raving but I do not like to be touched So I told him he had better just go back to what he was doing or something bad was going to happen. He got in the pose whcih I've labeled the ganster pose. you know where they stand up straight with their chin up and their hands outstretched totally opening themselves up? well at this point there was no way out of the fight because we were in a small hallway So I took matters into my own hands and headbutted him using the the upper part of my forhead i got him in the nose It stunned him enough for me to grab a MGD bottle off of the shelf next to me and bust it over his head. I know this isn't very passive but this guy was alot bigger then me and I don't think i oculd of taken to much punsihment from him.

My point is Strike first Strike hard

There are all too many people like that. I do agree about being preemptive and making sure that you can catch the attacker off guard.