first move in a REAL fight


HELL ya im crazy... what took ya so long to realize??
a step thru front kick to the solar plexus or a side kick to the knee would be my choices. low kicks are generally harder to block but a thrust kick to the solar plexus will take the wind out of his sails for sure.

full salute
kevin kilroe
My first step would be to determine what i thought his advantages might be vs. my advantages. reach advantages, speed, strength, size.
also, is their intent just to rough me up a little or really maim or kill me? that would also be a factor as to what i would do.
I would kill him dead with my big gun and then I would take his wallet. When I found out where he lived, I would go there and kill all his family, pets and maybe a few of his neighbors (all with the same really big gun, 'cause I carry lots and lots of bullets in my cargo pants). By now, I am on the run from Johnny Law, but I keep researching to find any remaining relatives of this guy that did me wrong so that I can kill them dead too (after I'd cleaned my really, really big gun.)
Originally posted by lost_tortoise
I would kill him dead with my big gun and then I would take his wallet. When I found out where he lived, I would go there and kill all his family, pets and maybe a few of his neighbors (all with the same really big gun, 'cause I carry lots and lots of bullets in my cargo pants). By now, I am on the run from Johnny Law, but I keep researching to find any remaining relatives of this guy that did me wrong so that I can kill them dead too (after I'd cleaned my really, really big gun.)

If you do that, I have two words to say to you matey; PRISON SEX

You're going to be wearing an orange jumpsuit and you won't remain anally retentive for very long.
Loved the humor on this topic and the serious answers as well.
I've had this "hypothetical situation" happen and if it ever happens again I'll do what I did before ... again.
Belted the guy...with my beer mug...shattered it on his temple. Can somebody say down for the count? If it sounds extreme then consider that little 5'-10'' 145 lb calm me looking for a date against 6'-2'' 220 him drunk and billegerent looking for a fight and then say umm, that was fair enough. I didn't choose to use any MA at the time because I wasn't in the mood to do it, and like the situation Tai-boxer (hypothetically) set up it was a crowded bar. Made a mess on the floor, pissed some folks off because the beer flew as I swung and the guy got carried out by his buds with threats of kicking my **** (bla bla bla).
I remembered thinking that I should've just shot him. Simpler that way. But ahh the hassel with the police, my probation officer, and all that...

Of course I don't drink anymore and probably won't ever find myself in that kind of barroom situation again. And yes, at the time the management banned me from the place for life... but then at the time, so what! In Dallas there were about 600 other bars to choose from. Not that it matters anymore today.

Definetly feigning that you don't want to fight and then a sucker punch but it really does depend on the situation.
3 Basic Steps:
Step 1: 180 degree turn
Step 2: Take 1 step forward.
Step 3: Quickly repeat Step 2 until far away.

If that fails just use the lightsaber in your pocket.
Nothing can stop a missile?
You mean like this:
I would throw dirt in his eyes, then choke him out.

if no dirt is available i would blitz him as fast as possible hitting him high and low as fast as i could.

but thats just me
Originally posted by thaiboxer
What would be the first move you would try to perform if confronted in a real fight? (lets just say the opponent is standing, almost front on, with his arms slightly raised to his chest and clinched for arguments sake), what would be your first killer move?
A straight right hand, or a straight kick in the sack.
pull out a 10 foot lonf sword and wack him...
all depends on every thing
my first step may be behinnd me
or maybe taking the flank and punching him
Originally posted by Monkey King
I think we should create a new art.

Call it......Poo Do.

The way of the poo. (which you don't want to the way that is.)

We had a continuing joke about this at my TKD dojang after one of the 1st dans farted very loudly in class. We made constant references to a fake art called Fart Kwon Do. The highest rank was the brown belt. Guess why. ^__^

In a fight against an unarmed opponent, I'd start with a fast, strong sidekick to their midsection. If they don't get the point after that, then I'd go with groin strikes and debilitating kicks.