Finding Calmness and Peace Within!


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
I am passing this on to you because it definitely works, and we could all use a little more calmness in our lives. By following simple advice heard on the Dr. Phil show, you too can find inner peace.

Dr. Phil proclaimed the way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you've started and never finished.

So, I looked around my house to find all the things I started and hadn't finished, and before I left the house this morning I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream, a bottle of Kahlua, a package of Oreos, the remainder of my old Prozac prescription, the rest of the cheesecake, some Doritos and a box of chocolates.

You have no idea how freaking good I feel.
Too bad I have a workday to finish first :(
The question is... how will you feel in the morning? :)
Ma-Caver, you owe me a new keyboard and a large Ace bandage for my cracked ribs.:rofl:
Breakfast of champions! I'm surprised you were even able to type the note...
When I saw the name of the thread I immediately thought of shouting:

Hmmm...that's some good advice. I think I'll get started. :p
There's no end of projects I need to complete before I can start feeling reasonably serene, on Dr. Phil's regime. Some cold spare ribs, to start with, half a bowlful of Sugar Smacks (yes, I know they're called Honey Smacks now, but we know honey is just liquid sugar, eh?), an assortment of various beverages (MA-C's post gives the general idea, so there's no need to go into much detail here) and a fairly nasty letter to my university's central administration propaganda rag about a recent issue in which the plural of `Canadian' is spelled out as `Canadian's'...

I wonder if it's ever occurred to Dr. Phil and other medicine-men of his ilk that the reason we don't finish certain projects is because we decided, somewhere along the line, that we had better things to do with our time? That maybe those projects were mistakes to begin with, and we thought it best not to throw good money after bad?

In a word—no, probably not...
Well in all seriousness
A wise man once said: A man has to believe in something... I believe I'll have another drink!"

I cannot be held responsible for broken keyboards, cracked ribs or wrecked cars as a result of finished err products/projects due to the nature of this post... besides it was a cut/paste from an e-mail I got... so blame them!

Whew, I'm finished! :wink1:
WAIT A MINUTE... one last post before I go...

I am a CMA guy.... CMA has Drunken style.....

Crown Royal First THEN drunken style

LOL! The realism & dedication to training. Well done. :drinkbeer :cheers: :drink2tha :roflmao:
Well in all seriousness
A wise man once said: A man has to believe in something... I believe I'll have another drink!"

I believe that gentleman and I share the same faith... :wink1:

I cannot be held responsible for broken keyboards, cracked ribs or wrecked cars as a result of finished err products/projects due to the nature of this post... besides it was a cut/paste from an e-mail I got... so blame them!

The litigious state of American society has reach the point where you might well get yourself sued by someone charged with DUI, on the grounds that s/he got the idea of having a drink from a post you sent in which you mentioned having a drink... weirder things have happened! :uhohh:
WAIT A MINUTE... one last post before I go...

I am a CMA guy.... CMA has Drunken style.....

Crown Royal First THEN drunken style

Then, at least, you have a reason for hitting poor defensless trees that never did anything to you, you can say were drunk and thought they were following you :drink2tha :lol2:
Then, at least, you have a reason for hitting poor defensless trees that never did anything to you, you can say were drunk and thought they were following you :drink2tha :lol2:

What do you MEAN never did anything to me!!!! :disgust:

I had one fall on me for no reason what-so-ever and I feel all trees should pay for that.

I just felt that since I am a CMA guy and there is a drunken style in CMA, although I do not practice it and having an unfinished bottle of Crown royal and based on Caver's advice now was as good a time as any to start training drunken style. Well it time to go train again :drinkbeer
What do you MEAN never did anything to me!!!! :disgust:

I had one fall on me for no reason what-so-ever and I feel all trees should pay for that.

I just felt that since I am a CMA guy and there is a drunken style in CMA, although I do not practice it and having an unfinished bottle of Crown royal and based on Caver's advice now was as good a time as any to start training drunken style. Well it time to go train again :drinkbeer

My apologies, I didn't realize that the trees started it, give em hell. Just be sure to stay out of forests, they surround you when you go in there. :cheers:
My apologies, I didn't realize that the trees started it, give em hell. Just be sure to stay out of forests, they surround you when you go in there. :cheers:

Well Right now I am not interested in trees... just drunken style... Thanks for the advice Caver :drinkbeer :drinkbeer :drinkbeer
I believe that gentleman and I share the same faith... :wink1:

The litigious state of American society has reach the point where you might well get yourself sued by someone charged with DUI, on the grounds that s/he got the idea of having a drink from a post you sent in which you mentioned having a drink... weirder things have happened! :uhohh:
Well if I do end up in court on litigation from allegations of my alleged administrations advising of inebriations... I'll have my attorney read the post aloud and I'm sure the judge will think about it and say... "ya know... he's right!... CASE Dismissed!"

(damn I get away with everything!:D :D :D )