Find this throw

There are many variations of this throw in a multitude of systems; some with a leg sweep or kick some with a knee on the ground, some with the arm across the chest some with the hands on the hips as a few examples.

I have performed this take down/throw/sweep, in tai chi, wing chun, muay thai, shotokan, pekiti-tirsia, silat, goju ryu, combat submission wrestling, and hapkido in some variation.
Certainly it is one of the applications of Shiko dachi in Goju Ryu karate. We would move into it from a grappling position then stepping behind.

That is where I first learned this throw in karate, as an application from Seiuchin kata after the stance change into Shiko Dachi and the double down blocks.
Sometime I just wonder, "Will it be more effective if you just use your sharp elbow to strike at your opponent's heart area"?

Since it is often a very effective and unexpected throw, I think many MA have adopted it. In the Hapkido I learned we had several variations of that throw, including one as you describe, and one where we step behind, grab both thighs and pull back. As the opponent starts backward, we slightly raise the leg behind him and as he begins to fall, set the leg more under the small of his back, plant our foot flat, and come down with an elbow strike. No joy for the opponent.

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