
Adept said:
Indeed. My point though, was that most street predators will use some kind of ambush technique, and that mental preparation to identify and avoid potentially dangerous situations is more important than physical conditioning.....

All I was trying to say is that SD training has a large mental component. You have to be assertive, not aggresive. You have to learn how to identify and avoid danger. You have to be alert and aware of your surroundings. You need to have a good repertoire of verbal de-escalation techniques, and you need to have your boundaries and triggers firmly set. And you need the conviction to follow through with action if it is required.
:) I agree with both of those statements. I thought you were minimizing the benefit of good physical conditioning, but now, I see you are simply prioritizing.

I too always start with the "head." If someone doesn't know they are in the fight, they can't win. If you are heady enough to avoid the fight, you have won in my book.

I've only been in TKD seven months and my class balances self-defense and olympic style. It is also good to learn a little bit more ground fighting and close range but I myself prefer boxing because the moves are pretty basic and im pretty good at it

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