Favorite Combos In The Ring


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Lifetime Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2003
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To go along with the point sparring thread I started a few weeks ago, I thought we could discuss what your favorite sparring techniques/combos are in the ring.

What are some of your moves that you've found successfull?
Hello, Right leg front, stance here...Step to my left(w/the right foot)-to move the person to right of me, and send a spinning back kick (left leg). Let the other person walk into it. ..backfist work here too. ...Aloha
MJS said:
To go along with the point sparring thread I started a few weeks ago, I thought we could discuss what your favorite sparring techniques/combos are in the ring.

What are some of your moves that you've found successfull?
I like....right hook, left hook, right hook, left hook, right hook, left hook, followed quickly by right uppercut, left uppercut. Very simple and very effective.
Left hook, right upper, lefthook, Rt low kick.
Fake rt, left hook, rt low kick.(stepping to left side)
Rt middle round kick, straight rt, left hook.
Rt low kick, left hook, rt straight.
I also like to throw in the odd axe kick or spinning back fist or hook kick for an element of surprise.
I recently used a right leg axe kick into a left mid round kick, which worked beautifully.My opponent expected a front kick, so the axe kick caught him, knocking his head down,so he couldnt see the round kick coming, and it took the wind right out of him.
1. Switch kick with lead leg to the ribs or face ,Jab,Cross,Thai-style roundkick tothe side of the neck.

I like this combination because I have perfected the switch kick with my lead leg,in the gym it almost always connects.Also this combo is very versatile in being that it can be ultilized as both an offensive attack and a defensive counter attack.Many times in the gym,I use it against a figher who loves to rush in with punches.As soon as I see him rushing in a take a 45 degree step backwards,this places with the kick right into my opponets face,then as they are recovering I throw a jab(to stun) then a cross(mostly to blind their vision to the next attack),the a (thai-style) round kick to either the ear or the side of the neck.

When I use this combo as an offensive attack ,the switch kick is aimed toward my opponet's ribs(mostly as a set up,so that they wil drop their hands),in this method the jab and the cross or the primary offensive attacks,then I finish off with the round kick(mostly as intimidation).

2. Jab-Cross-(Thai-style) Round kick.

An offensive combo which the jab stuns or simply gets the opponet's attention,the cross and the kick causes the primary damage though.Simple,yet very effective.

3. (TKD-style) rear leg side kick,(TKD-style)spinning back fist.

I use this one primarly as a defensive(sometimes offensive to throw my opponet off) tatic against a fighter who rushes in with punches.The side kick slides under their jabs and cross hitting their midsection,then I follow up with the spinning backfist as a finisher.This is also a very good tatic against a taller fighter (who boxes primarly) because the side kick poistions your head as a much safer location(oppose to the Thai-style push kick) while neutralizing your opponet's strikes.

4. (Thai-style)Rear leg low kick,High Switch kick.

I use this combo because of its deceptioness.I throw a (right)powerful low kick to my opponet's calve(which is meant to be blocked)then while he is blocking that technqiue I then explode with the(right) high switch kick to the side of my opponets head.

5. Jab-High Switch Kick(to either the head or the ribs).

Another deceptive combo.Many fighters are use to being attack from one angle to another(ex jab-cross,jab-cross-hook,-jab-cross-roundkick;etc).I use the Jab mostly to blind the fighter then the switch kick for damage.

Combinations are by far the best method of attack,they will keep your opponet guessing where you are going to strike next and can have a "tumbling" effect on a fighter;but mixing up combos with random(powerful) single attacks will make it harder for your opponet to study and find patterns in your method of fighting.
Hello, Watch out for the "Combo's at MacDonald's?

first the wallet..then the money..is gone....in the end..just another burger with fries and a drink....?

best to use the left.....turn,right turn..and leave before it happens...

They got me twice...ouch! ...yet to be able to defend against this...too many commecials.

For more training: I will meet you there..for practice. ...Aloha

PS: don't forget the coupons...we may need them?
still learning said:
Hello, Watch out for the "Combo's at MacDonald's?

first the wallet..then the money..is gone....in the end..just another burger with fries and a drink....?

best to use the left.....turn,right turn..and leave before it happens...

They got me twice...ouch! ...yet to be able to defend against this...too many commecials.

For more training: I will meet you there..for practice. ...Aloha

PS: don't forget the coupons...we may need them?

Yeah, but ya gotts keep your hands on your wallett around your family. Sometimes it ain't the bad guys who lure you into bad places:boing2:
front kick followed by a stright punch
also low high roundhose kick followed by a low punch or uppercut to the stomach

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