End of the year - time to reflect


Blue Belt
May 21, 2007
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Hey Everyone....

Well we have almost made it through another 365 days. So i thought it might be a good time to sit back and reflect on the past year - what have you achieved? Perhaps what haven't you achieved?? And what will be the goals for the new year when it rolls around???

Personally - my big achievement for this year was starting my martial arts training. It was a massive step for me but one that i have not regreted for a minute. I'm now in the best shape of my life - although still a little to "round" for my liking.....but i'm working on it.

What i haven't achieved.....i'm not sure. I really didn't have any goals for the year - i just wanted to survive (2006 was a really tough year). I guess i would have liked to have formed a long term relationship.....but really between work and training when would i have time for that (lol).

The goal for next year - simple. To lift my fitness level to be above that of where i need it for my training. I want to be a step ahead......
Things that I achieved:

1. Getting my health back to a place that allows me to train

2. Haing friends and family there for the entire journey

3. Being able to keep the school open for anther year

4. Being able to use Martial Talk to help find the courage and stength to carry on.

5. Having my oldest son do well enough and have the confidence to try out for the Junior National team. All though he is only 13 and will be competing with 14-17 years olds.

Not achieved

1. Moving the school before the holiday, Januaryy is fine though

2. Being able to do more charity work

3. Being able to sponsor more childern at the school

All in all it has been a great year for me and the family and for the school

Thanks to God

Here are the accomplishments:

1) This year is the year that I started back! And so far, it has gone nicely, with no injury!

2) Also, due to Exile's idea, I also now do some resistance training!

3) Was able to pay off some debt.

Here are the failures:

1) I wanted to be able to do 100 pushups by Christmas. This will not be realized.

2) I wanted to learn Python, but quit before I got through the book.

1.) Keep train and keep advancing (hopefully after this saturday Ill have my blue belt)

2.) Finsh at the local CC and transfer to a university

not achieved

1.) staying injury free, **** happens but the ACL will be fixed and is a goal for next year

2.) eliminate my debt but it is lower than it was

Its been a good year, a tough one but good none the less. The hardest part is going to be X-mas so soon after losing my uncle, but my family and I are tough we will make it

1. Getting to the gym at least twice a week for a couple hours

2. Getting most of my schooling paid off

3. Training in my spare time whether it be reflecting or actually practicing on my own will.

Not Achieved

1. Testing for my third degree brown belt I'm slacking and its not due to lack of preparation.

2. Making it to The Dojo enough. this year I could literally count on my hands and toes the number of times I have been and thats not a good thing.

Overall this is making me feel like I need to make a better effort to get back to the dojo more often in the 08 but I guess when I look back I got some pretty big things accomplished lol.

1) Black Belt!

2) More teaching experience

3) No new injuries! Older injuries rehab'd and getting stronger

4) Started weight training / cross-training

Not achieved:

1) Still have ~20 lbs to drop

2) Debts not paid off yet

3) More regular home practice
Haven't really thought about it till now but....


1) Have decided to stick with Kempo and not return to Shotokan.

2) Started over as Whitebelt and have made it to brown (I guess all my prior training paid off)

3) Still remember most of my old katas!!!!!

4) Finally have my son training with me again. :cheers:

5) Started dabbling in grappling, weapons and Chin-na.

6) Back to regular training schedule.

Not Achieved:

1) Still need to drop 10-15 lbs

2) Still have trouble remembering the names of Kempo techniques.

3) Still tend to blend my Shotokan into my Kempo.

4) Still don't realize that I'm not 20 yrs old anymore and do stupid things.

First, to all who have posted so far...GREAT Accomplishments!!!

  • Started Martial arts training. This is something I've wanted to do for years, and I finally just got off my butt and did it!
  • Went from working out 2 days week to working out 4-5 days/week..have structured the workouts, so I can see some steady progress in fitness, health, and weight loss.
  • Lost several inches and gone down two sizes
  • started to pay off my debt and elminate credit cards
Not accomplished:
  • still paying off debt
  • progress, but long way to go to meet fitness/health goals
  • building my dream home/community
  • my first belt rank
Ah well, where would we be without goals, eh?
Hello, Our main goals should always be: "We will improve ourselfs in all areas of our life!"

Breaking down the main goal? ....be more healthy...a little stronger..wiser..more compassionate...more humble..more caring of others..

Just making our selves better as the minutes, hours, days, months and years go by....one step at a time....with each step...making our selves a greater person to the world.

Making our faults...less and less..

There is only one way to change the world! ....that is by leaving one good child and they inturn leave one good child...then one day there will only good people......(are we winning here? )

We are the role models for others....BECOME A "GOOD ONE"...

Aloha ( still growing at one step at a time...towards being a better person )

PS: Once you stop growing? .....time will stop too...and you will go backwards...."Never give up"
I've come to a crossroad. Waiting for the mist to clear. What's in a date? I'd sooner make a new year's resolution when I have a better idea of what would be most beneficial, rather than a hollow promise on a somewhat officially significant day. I've managed to break myself down a lot this year. I supppose I'll have to build myself back up eventually. That's not really specific enough to be a goal but it's honest.
For me, number one highlight was becoming a father. My training, both martial arts and weight training, had slacked off a lot. But I have renewed enthusiasm again, and now want to get fit for my son's sake! No son wants a fat dad, so I am determined not to be that fat dad. Still got 5 years before he starts school though...

But, I am increasing my kung-fu training, and may even do some private lessons. Planning to increase my kick boxing training further, for fitness. Also hoping to do a 10 mile charity run next year, which I need to get fit for.

So I am going off for a quick run now. 10pm, but I gotta do it!
This was a great year.

I ran a great TKD program that had 30 students. I had several belt tests & have several orange belts (7th gup) students.

I'm going to be running 2 programs in my town as the new year starts.

I was blessed to test for my long-awaited 3rd Dan in March.

Like I said, it was a good year.:headbangin:
An interesting idea for a thread as it makes you take a step back and ponder just what has gone on over the past year.

I was tempted to be a little glib and say that the year had rolled over me leaving much the same marks as the year before but that would've been far from true. It just goes to show that, even after more than four decades, the game we call "Life" is never really the same from one year to the next.

Amongst the prominent good things that happened were that I received my nidan as a bolt from the blue - utterly unexpected which made it all the sweeter.

The best thing of all was that I finally found the courage to get down on one knee and present a slender circle of white gold and diamonds to my (now officially) "Wife In Training".

Other positive revelations were that I rediscovered the tranquility of being a gardener once more (not been able to do that since I was a 'teen) and made the digital-comms connection with some people on this very site whose acceptance of me as a kindred spirit is the equal of any face-to-face '3-D reality' friendship. In similar vein, I was able in some small part to repay the spiritual debt I owe to a close friend of mine by being a shoulder for her to lean on when she needed it.

On the downside, the awful looming spectre of my parents mortality reached out it's chilling hand this year and I have not yet achieved acceptance of that. A further thing not maintained is that friendships I have held for decades continue to fade under the weight of relationships and children. The big fiscal failure is that the Mortgage Fairy hasn't sprung up and removed that particular millstone from my neck :D.

So, on balance, despite my feeling a little low at the present time (pre-Xmas work-load is always a killer), 2007 has been memorable and good from the perspective of this particular little carbon-based, self-aware, life-form.
This has been a bad year all the way around. My time to reflect will be to ensure that 2008, I take my training alittle more seriouis as I use to and get in better physical shape then I am.
Stopped making *Jan 1* resolutions a ways back. It's just another day, and if I need to change something, why not start today? That's just an old timer's view, but it has seemed to lead to a lot more peace and contentment. :)

Lost Dad in Sept, so now both are gone, but death is a part of life, and it's made me realize my own mortality a little more concretely. Not a bad thing, really, as it's freed me from setting goals that aren't really all that important, and let me focus on what I'd really like to leave behind when it's my own time (hopefully decades away, but ya never know ;) ).

This year I started my fifth work assignment in five years. The whole round robin began when the site I was at five years ago burned down, taking all my professional resources with it. The good news: stopped trying to live up to those old awards on the wall, which are now ash. Had the strange affect of turning my focus from what I could attain to what I could help others attain. Maybe that was just because it coincided with a certain age in my life, though. :idunno: The other good news: finally back at a work site that I want to be at, instead of just wherever they could find a place for me.