Emergency in Cohasset, MA 2:23 AM local time on 3/29/07


Crazy like a...
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If there is anyone on MartialTalk viewing this site now from Cohasset, MA...

The Cohasset police are asking everyone in the area to PLEASE STAY INDOORS!

Heavy police activities with helecopters. No further details to report, I received this info from a friend that is a night auditor at a local hotel.
PlayStation bandits stole a play station from a shopping center in Boston, shot at a Massachusetts state trooper and ran the cops on a wild schase to a suburb nearly an hour south of downtown Boston.


A cop shot and many communities put at risk all for a freaking play station.

No word yet whether the suspects have been caught.
Thats flipping ridiculous! Sounds similar to other insane things I've heard such as killing someone for their shoes.

My prayers go out to the officer :asian:
Thats flipping ridiculous! Sounds similar to other insane things I've heard such as killing someone for their shoes.

Insane but it does happen..Coats ,jewlery and now cell phones

mrhnau said:
My prayers go out to the officer :asian:

Carol - My first thought when I read this was "what the heck is she doing up so early?"...then I thought "what the heck am I doing up so early?"...

Over a Playstation no less **shakes head in disgust**

My thoughts are with the officer and his family.
Carol, that's horrible - and as Yeti said... over a playstation?!?!?!?! Do keep us up to date on how this is going - especially how the officer is doing.
That is unbelievable. :(
I'm glad they caught the son of a *****.
I notice that a lot of you posted with incredulity that it was over a video game. Why? Read the paper, listen to your local news...hell, just look around you. Is it really so surprising that some thug would attempt to kill a police officer over something so trivial anymore? The repercussions for crime have gotten so lax that punishment is hardly a detterent. Few seem to have any shame or honor anymore. I moved WAY out in the country for just that reason. I find myself truly disheartened everytime I ride into the nearby city by what I see. What are we gonna do, folks? Throw money at "social programs" ? Hardly. Hasn't worked yet...quite the contrary. Hold people (truly hold them) accountable for their actions? Have we slid so far into the declining days of Rome that that is even possible anymore?
Actually, we put a greater percentage of our population in jail longer than any other developed country. Our crime rate is also no better, and in some ways worse, than any other industrialized nation. So no, "gol dang lib'ral judges" aren't the problem. Neither are "country club prisons" except for the very, very rich who steal more and cause more misery. Neither are "revolving door jails".

The problems are deeper and more structural and would take a much longer discussion with lots of charts, books and beer. I'll just suggest a couple things - the War On Negroes, err, Drugs, yeah Drugs, falling economic expectations and rising income and wealth inequality, the culture of unbridled consumption et cetera.

As to the particular case here...

Thank the gods the trooper is alright and nobody else was hurt. I hope the criminal resisted arrest. Many times.

Is it surprising that someone got shot over a video game? Not really. People have been killed over parking spaces, the dubious and negotiable affections of the terminally skanky, minor jewelry and ten dollar gambling debts. As my Shaykh says, "Always remember Rule #1. People are crazy." It's also wise never to underestimate the human capacity to do something stupid under stress. If he was even thinking past "Now I'll get the video game" the crook expected to get what he wanted and leave. When things started going wahoonie-shaped he panicked and did something terminally dumb.
Thank the gods the trooper is alright and nobody else was hurt. I hope the criminal resisted arrest. Many times.

The suspect already had a warrant out for his arrest for crimes unrelated to the Best Buy theft and evasion. The WHDH article said that he'd be up on a whole stack of charges. :)
They got the (alleged) gunman!

Suspect detained!

Detained? No don't detain him! You shot him when he "attempts" to resist! Ok, I'm kidding, but come on! He shot a cop for a bloody playstation! Stupid ****ing person!
Most street criminals are otnay ootay ightbray. Careful consideration of the consequences of actions isn't their long suit. If it were they would be well adjusted functional sociopaths and make a lot more money in the corporate boardroom :)

"Sonny, be a lawyer. You can steal more with a briefcase than I ever could with a machine gun."