Effects of LSD


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jun 20, 2003
Reaction score
Cleveland, OH
I just saw this website and thought that it was one of the most interesting studies I have seen in a while. It was performed by the government in the '50s to study the effects of LSD on perception and expression. The study involved giving a dose of LSD to an artist and asking him to draw the person who administered the drug. The drawings are posted along with some of the artist's quotes and the administer's observations. The most interesting part is that the drawings don't become jumbled messes like if an artist who was intoxicated on alcohol would draw. These are instead quite creative and expressive. jus thought it was interesting and wanted to share.

Sounds pretty interesting- I wonder if the time between taking the drug and drawing made any difference........like, I wonder if they had them draw different things at different intervals, or just the initial drawing. Seems like things might change once the drug was in the system for awhile.

:asian: :karate:
You'll have to excuse my stupidity. I forgot to post the link initially. Its up now by my edit. In referace to Shodan, that is exactly what they did. The artist drew another drawing every few hours. The progression of his artistic methods at the different stages of the drug's effect are the most interesting part.
I've read that LSD was one of the most sucsessfull alchohol treatments found; however, its reputation after the 60s really killed the medicle benefit angle. Heroine is by far the best pain killer available and it is perfectly safe if made properly, but once again its reputation has made it unusefull. Who's to blaim? the government. Who else would change the name Hemp to Marijuana just to give it a Mexican sounding name? Talk about ignoring thousands of years of history.
William Randolf Hearst did that. He also produced Reefer Madness. The story is he invested a fortune in timber for paper and was paranoid the hemp industry would try to replace pulp with hemp.
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
I've read that LSD was one of the most sucsessfull alchohol treatments found; however, its reputation after the 60s really killed the medicle benefit angle. Heroine is by far the best pain killer available and it is perfectly safe if made properly, but once again its reputation has made it unusefull. Who's to blaim? the government. Who else would change the name Hemp to Marijuana just to give it a Mexican sounding name? Talk about ignoring thousands of years of history.

As a recovering drug addict/alcoholic of 15 years I found the site rawther amusing...particularly reading the subject's responses. I was like yeaaah man I can dig that...having previous experience(s) with LSD. The drawings were rather interesting as well. Makes you think what Dali would've done if he had... wait a tic...mebbe he did :D
Anyway reading that LSD was "one of the most successful alcohol treatments found... hmm I dunno. LSD (aka Acid... for good reason) when taken severely alters the chemicals in the brain. Boosting Seratonin levels and the like thus producing the "ohhh wow man, pretty colors!" effects. I've seen folks have "bad-trips" one guy literally destroyed an entire house single handedly with MA and a tab of blotter acid (the liquidfied drug soaked into linen paper and dried then cut into 1/4 inch squares to dissolve on/ under the tongue).
That the government was involved in psychotropic drug experimentation goes without question ... it is suspected that they still are. Mark David Chapman (the tower sniper of U of Texas at Austin) was found to be loaded with amphetamines in his body and had pockets full of the pills and is on record as being part of a on-campus drug-experimentation sponsored by the good-ole-USA.
This information came out via the freedom of information act BTW.

Drugs in any form can be dangerous if taken the wrong way. (DUH!) The subject from the website obviously had a "good-trip" it would've been interesting to see what he would've drawn if he was having a bad one.

Now-a-days nobody knows how to make the same LSD that Timothy Leary and those folks in the 60's did. I wouldn't trust it. Same goes for the marijeewanna that's being sold. Idjits are adding to it. Best to stay off the drug-crap altogether and savor the highs one gets from MA's training.

The idea is to force a bad trip and make them confront their alchohol addiction. And because you and others feel negativly about the recreational aspect, the medical bennefits will never be explored. Thats cool I suppose; the alternative treatments are without fail.
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
The idea is to force a bad trip and make them confront their alchohol addiction. And because you and others feel negativly about the recreational aspect, the medical bennefits will never be explored. Thats cool I suppose; the alternative treatments are without fail.

Geez man. That's like having your MA instructor hold a loaded gun to your head, making you drink raw sewage while telling you that you did the technique all wrong!

Who the hell thought THAT idea up. Probably a non-alcoholic I'll wager.

The alternative treatments (for me it was the 12 steps) are definitely without fail!
Originally posted by MACaver
Geez man. That's like having your MA instructor hold a loaded gun to your head, making you drink raw sewage while telling you that you did the technique all wrong!

Who the hell thought THAT idea up. Probably a non-alcoholic I'll wager.

The alternative treatments (for me it was the 12 steps) are definitely without fail!
Sounds like you know my instructor. (Ha Ha) AA may cure your alchohol addiction but it does not address addiction. They are all sitting in a group hepped up on coffee and cigarettes, not to mention they often go out for drinks to celebrate sobriety. A lot of intersting marriages occur as well. What about drug therapy? Oh now, there is a room full of connections. The whole damn system is a faliure, my freind.
Originally posted by MACaver
That the government was involved in psychotropic drug experimentation goes without question ... it is suspected that they still are. Mark David Chapman (the tower sniper of U of Texas at Austin) was found to be loaded with amphetamines in his body and had pockets full of the pills and is on record as being part of a on-campus drug-experimentation sponsored by the good-ole-USA.
This information came out via the freedom of information act BTW.

I think it's pretty well documented that LSD was initially created by the military. They even tested it on soldiers. The idea was to spray it on the enemy to induce temporary psychosis that would disrupt the enemy's organizatinal skills, possibly even induce psychotic attacks on their own comrades. The idea was abandoned because there was no way to assure enemy would have a "bad trip" and the Geneva Convention forbade the use of chemicals against the enemy in combat.
Even a good trip would have been advantageous. We would have been the most popular enemy in the world. "Man, I love fighting those Americans. They've got some good $@%t!"
That crazy. Yeah it might be good that we can't use LSD on our enemies. They would be like "We have nukes come and invade us please please please."
Originally posted by OULobo
I think it's pretty well documented that LSD was initially created by the military.

Actually, the discovery of LSD is credited to Albert Hofmann, a chemist at Sandoz Pharmaceuticals in 1943. He was the first to ("accidentally") experience the LSD trip.

Another reason the army probably disregarded the idea of spraying the enemy with LSD is the wait time. The effects of LSD usually begin in 40 to 60 minutes and peak around 2 to 4 hours. So they'd have to wait a little while after they sprayed it on the enemy, giving the enemy plenty of "non-psychotic" time to fight back.

Originally posted by edhead2000
Actually, the discovery of LSD is credited to Albert Hofmann, a chemist at Sandoz Pharmaceuticals in 1943. He was the first to ("accidentally") experience the LSD trip.

Another reason the army probably disregarded the idea of spraying the enemy with LSD is the wait time. The effects of LSD usually begin in 40 to 60 minutes and peak around 2 to 4 hours. So they'd have to wait a little while after they sprayed it on the enemy, giving the enemy plenty of "non-psychotic" time to fight back.

I'd imagine a lot of the argument for not using LSD in a combat situation had to do with the almighty dollar. The argument that you give in your post is a perfect example of limited return on your investment. Chemical weapons which are much more lethal cost a whole lot less. I would have thought that we'd have learned something about fighting an enemy in a drug enduced frenzy after the campaign in the Phillipines. Granted, the trip on LSD would have been a bit different but still you run the risk of actually making it harder to stop an opponent when you intentionally put them in a drugged state.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but "BZ" is the big hallucinogenic gas of choice designed for warfare. At least it was...urk...25 years ago. I don't know if it was LSD based. For that matter, I don't know if anyone still uses it.

The stuff left the victim in somewhat of stupor...crying...inactive.

They're currently experimenting with hypersonics to see if they can induce depression. Imagine "prepping" an area with undetectable sound at a frequency that causes 20 percent of the enemy to become melancholy. That could have a dramatic effect on their performance.

I've often thought we should take all our dope seized in drugs raids and sell it cheap to the Iraqi's, Afghanis, etc. They'd be sooooooo much calmer if they lit up. Why become a suicide bomber when they could just...get bombed?

"Hafas, dude...wanna see how I made a bong out of an RPG-47?"

"Whoa, dude...that is AWESOME. Hey, I know where there's an abandoned T-55 tank. Dig this...we pack the turret full of weed, and then suck the smoke out of the cannon barrel!"

"Where we gonna get that much weed, dude?"

"4th Infantry Division, dude. The infidel Yanks are giving it away by the truckload!"

I would then invest in a Nabisco factory built in Baghdad. I would become wealthy, and retire to a villa in the Greek outer islands. You could all come visit me.


Originally posted by hardheadjarhead

"Hafas, dude...wanna see how I made a bong out of an RPG-47?"

"Whoa, dude...that is AWESOME. Hey, I know where there's an abandoned T-55 tank. Dig this...we pack the turret full of weed, and then suck the smoke out of the cannon barrel!"

"Where we gonna get that much weed, dude?"

"4th Infantry Division, dude. The infidel Yanks are giving it away by the truckload!"

I would then invest in a Nabisco factory built in Baghdad. I would become wealthy, and retire to a villa in the Greek outer islands. You could all come visit me.



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Sounds like a new movie genre. It's not Cheech and Chong, it's Abdula and Akbar.
I would watch those movies!!!!

Here are a few more...

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

"Hashmir, think we can get high of this VX?"
"Probably, I hear American kids sniff glue."

"Mohammed, don't put anymore of that ***** in the bomb! These dirty joints are killer, dude."
"Yeah, man, I'm glowing."

"Hanif, maybe we should go out and Jihad today."
"Ahhh, tomorrow man, take a drag off this and quit being such a buzzkill."

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

It's the new faze of the war on drugs!!!!

"Man...like I could SO get into some falafel right about now...I have the Mediterranean Munchies like you wouldn't believe!"

"Dude, I'm as baked as a pita..."


Originally posted by MACaver
As a recovering drug addict/alcoholic of 15 years I found the site rawther amusing...particularly reading the subject's responses. I was like yeaaah man I can dig that...having previous experience(s) with LSD. The drawings were rather interesting as well. Makes you think what Dali would've done if he had... wait a tic...mebbe he did :D
Anyway reading that LSD was "one of the most successful alcohol treatments found... hmm I dunno. LSD (aka Acid... for good reason) when taken severely alters the chemicals in the brain. Boosting Seratonin levels and the like thus producing the "ohhh wow man, pretty colors!" effects. I've seen folks have "bad-trips" one guy literally destroyed an entire house single handedly with MA and a tab of blotter acid (the liquidfied drug soaked into linen paper and dried then cut into 1/4 inch squares to dissolve on/ under the tongue).
That the government was involved in psychotropic drug experimentation goes without question ... it is suspected that they still are. Mark David Chapman (the tower sniper of U of Texas at Austin) was found to be loaded with amphetamines in his body and had pockets full of the pills and is on record as being part of a on-campus drug-experimentation sponsored by the good-ole-USA.
This information came out via the freedom of information act BTW.

Drugs in any form can be dangerous if taken the wrong way. (DUH!) The subject from the website obviously had a "good-trip" it would've been interesting to see what he would've drawn if he was having a bad one.

Now-a-days nobody knows how to make the same LSD that Timothy Leary and those folks in the 60's did. I wouldn't trust it. Same goes for the marijeewanna that's being sold. Idjits are adding to it. Best to stay off the drug-crap altogether and savor the highs one gets from MA's training.

Mark David Chapman shot John Lennon. I don't recall off hand who the UofT sniper was.

I have to agree with you that LSD probably has little if no value as an alcoholism treatment. Personally(Speaking from the experiences of youth) I found LSD to be pleasant and mostly harmless, provided its taken in a safe surrounding where one doesn't have to go anywhere for a good 6-8 hours. It can provide insight into a number of things, unfortuantely it's almost impossible to remember them shortly after thinking them. Also, one must be of a very positive mindset, or its easy to become frightened or agitated and have a bad trip. Personally, I can't recommend it to anyone, too many variables and dangers for the inexperienced. Doesn't really lend itself to serious training either.
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
Sounds like you know my instructor. (Ha Ha) AA may cure your alchohol addiction but it does not address addiction. They are all sitting in a group hepped up on coffee and cigarettes, not to mention they often go out for drinks to celebrate sobriety. A lot of intersting marriages occur as well. What about drug therapy? Oh now, there is a room full of connections. The whole damn system is a faliure, my freind.

Well TOD I guess this is where we have to butt heads. I'll just politely say that you're mistaken and mis-informed about the program. But that's okay (particularly if you're being tounge in cheek, and it seems like you are;) ).
All I know is that it works (for me) and I stand behind it.

Also I do not drink coffee anymore. Hot chocolate maybe but not chocolate. Seems I've developed an allergy to it after I got sober. Too bad... I used to LOVE coffee. :cool: