Eddies in the SpaceTime Continuum


May 17, 2004
Reaction score
The Canuckistan Plains
So, MT seems a bit slow this morning, not a real big deal. I go to click on the Ursuai B & G, and get a white screen with the following message:

vBulletin datastore error caused by one or more of the following:
  1. You may have uploaded vBulletin 3.5 files without also running the vBulletin 3.5 upgrade script. If you have not run the upgrade script, do so now.
  2. The datastore cache may have been corrupted. Run Rebuild Bitfields from tools.php, which you can upload from the do_not_upload folder of the vBulletin package.

Fatal error: vBulletin datastore cache incomplete or corrupt in /includes/init.php on line 185
Being as computer savvy as pickled sausage, I was unable to interpret this bizarre message, so I decided to copy it and share it with the local geeks. Enjoy!
I rather enjoy the '...which you can upload from the do_not_upload folder' aspect of this :)
lol - yes, well, normally stuff in that folder is not stuff you upload, only when it is needed and then remove it after it's done its job ;)
Typical computer logic...akin to holding the 'Start' button for five seconds to turn off the pc :)
All part of the big picture. As long as things don't make sense, people that are nonsensical get to keep their IT jobs :)
I am reminded of a line from a famous text:

"'And how exactly like an egg he is!' she said aloud, standing with her hands ready to catch him, for she was every moment expecting him to fall.

`It's very provoking,' Humpty Dumpty said after a long silence, looking away from Alice as he spoke, `to be called an egg -- very!'

`I said you looked like an egg, Sir,' Alice gently explained. `And some eggs are very pretty, you know,' she added, hoping to turn her remark into a sort of compliment.

`Some people,' said Humpty Dumpty, looking away from her as usual, `have no more sense than a baby!'"

And I love my IT job :)
Geez, and I thought this would be an interesting conversation on space-time physics! dang!
*channels Geordi LaForge*
Well, we may be able to create an unstable warp bubble. When the warp field intersects with the forum's data matrix, it should re-align. The tricky part will be establishing the correct temporal parameters.
Well, it seems to be working ok now.

Lemme know if it barfs again.

I think we're in need of a new server.....again.....

Apart from the /forum/index.php file everything always loads up fairly quick for me, the main page is just freakin huge ;)
Bob Hubbard said:
Well, it seems to be working ok now.

Lemme know if it barfs again.

I think we're in need of a new server.....again.....


Uh Oh. Am I posting too much? :uhyeah:
Carol Kaur said:
Uh Oh. Am I posting too much? :uhyeah:

Yes... yes, you are... it is all your fault - entirely and completely! :rolleyes: (not! but it was too good a setup to miss!)
Kacey said:
Yes... yes, you are... it is all your fault - entirely and completely! :rolleyes: (not! but it was too good a setup to miss!)

Wait a sec...don't you have over 200 posts more than Carol? So who's posting too much now?? ;)

Andy Moynihan said:
I just wanted to let you all know that I take this entire thread a sa huge personal compliment.

DOn't know why. Just do. :D

I knew it! It's all Andy's fault!! ;) :uhyeah:
Swordlady said:
Wait a sec...don't you have over 200 posts more than Carol? So who's posting too much now?? ;)


And I was out of town and didn't post for nearly 3 weeks, too... thanks for pointing it out - I think :idunno: