Ed Parker TV Commercial

Loved it... especially that last part where he's talking then gets the 3:1 attack and takes them out and goes back to finishing what he's saying... didn't those guys' mothers ever tell them it's not nice to interuppt a Grand Master doing a spiel on his art? Geez... :D

Good stuff.

I scrolled down a bit and found this one... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCN8dhzyf_8&mode=related&search=Ed%20Parker
by "Associate Master Gary Ronemus. The ending is pretty funny.
Whatever happened to that particular gent?
Awesome!! Thanks!! Coming from someone who's always wished they could have met Mr. Parker- it was really cool to hear him speak for the first time and see what he sounded like even!! Thanks again!! :)
Great clip! Thanks for posting that!:)


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