Ecclectic Training in the X-Kans


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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Do the "traditional" Ninjutsu arts still teach some of the more, uh, unusual skills that were supposedly learned by the ninja of old? Things like Meteorology, Building fortifications, spying/espianage skills, poison making, fighting from horseback, etc?

Or have these skills fallen by the wayside due to a lack of practicality?
Kizaru said:
I think it depends on the dojo you train at, and the relationship you have with your teacher.

So what you are saying is, these things still exist, and are still taught, in the right dojos, to the right students?
I'm sure it's that way. Just like the military, you aren't going to teach fresh new recruits special forces tactics/techniques.

Even Infantryman that have been there awhile sometimes don't learn it, they have to prove they are worthy of getting it.
Technopunk said:
So what you are saying is, these things still exist, and are still taught, in the right dojos, to the right students?
I didn't write/say anything about a "right dojo". What's a "right student"? The opposite of a "left student"?
i would think there isn't too much a need to learn the poisons etc. because these things can be purchased now with relative ease. why look for certain plants when you can go buy some rat poison for the same results?
Kizaru said:
I didn't write/say anything about a "right dojo". What's a "right student"? The opposite of a "left student"?

Well, by "Right Student" I reffered to a student with a good relationship with his instructor who was trustworthy...

Enson said:
would think there isn't too much a need to learn the poisons etc. because these things can be purchased now with relative ease. why look for certain plants when you can go buy some rat poison for the same results?

Because after the zombie holocost there wont be a Walmart to buy it at? :rolleyes:
There are times when you practice your techniques in the dark. And yes, there is a way to improve your sight in dimly lit areas. Not at all strange, rather it has to do with proper kamae...
Nimravus said:
There are times when you practice your techniques in the dark. And yes, there is a way to improve your sight in dimly lit areas. Not at all strange, rather it has to do with proper kamae...
would that be using low stances to see their um... outline/shadow/silohette (sp?)? i read that somewhere. i think it was one of hayes' books. good idea. i only train in the dark everyonce and awhile. good just to feel your body movements, and concentrate on muscle management (imo).
As part of our regular monthly information given to us from Manaka Unsui Sensei, we have in the past received fairly lengthy and informative articles on topics such as:
  • 軍略 (Gunryaku) Tactics & Strategy
  • 遊芸の術 (Yuugei no Jutsu) Disguise through performance abilities
  • 天門 & 地門 (Ten Mon & Chi Mon) "Meteorlogy," Use of Terrain, etc.
  • 遁行の術 (Tonko no Jutsu) Methods of Escape
Are these what you had in mind? If so, I hope this is helpful in answering the original question.

On another side, I clearly agree that there is too much access to poison of various kinds readily available to just about anyone in the modern world.
Peter Steeves said:
Are these what you had in mind? If so, I hope this is helpful in answering the original question.

Yep. Exactly what I was curious about, thanks!
I have started learning the Amatsu Tatara from my Bujinkan instructor, I believe Genbukan students often learn it as well, would that count as an ecclectic skill?


I posted a thread asking about Amatsu, care to share some info on it there?

Kizaru said:
I think it depends on the dojo you train at, and the relationship you have with your teacher.
True. Some students cannot really survive a couple of weeks in the Mountains in winter (pre-existing physical handicaps etc), the desert in summer and the swamp/marsh during the rain seasons. Naturally, a dojo's insurance would also be a point taken in the teacher's choice of which students should be introduced to these arts. Poisons would be introduced to the student during their introduction to these environments as the poisons are naturally grown/existing in these geographical regions. All of the arts mentioned are usually part of these environmental studies and not usually taught in the luxury of the Dojo.
Enson said:
i would think there isn't too much a need to learn the poisons etc. because these things can be purchased now with relative ease. why look for certain plants when you can go buy some rat poison for the same results?
What if you're stuck in that National Forest just east of you? No stores good buddy and someone wants your transportation or your wife. Better learn to make a Bow and better learn which Berrys not to eat and how to steal or poison their food supply. Fun stuff.

PS: What the heck happened with all those red marks? Who the heck did you insult? Been gone for a few weeks (bad boy) so all this is news to me. Don't answer. I can imagine. You passed me up real quick.
You are, of course, ignoring the fact that the poison/medicine recipes in ninjutsu are based on the flora and fauna of Japan, and not America.
Nimravus said:
You are, of course, ignoring the fact that the poison/medicine recipes in ninjutsu are based on the flora and fauna of Japan, and not America.
I would think tho, if you knew how to prepare them from one source, that you could adapt that knowlage to another... not in all cases I think, but in many...

Dunno. Maybe not.
It's the same thing with telling time by looking at the eyes of a cat - the way of interpreting it in Japan won't do you much good if you live in Murmansk, for example...
Nimravus said:
It's the same thing with telling time by looking at the eyes of a cat - the way of interpreting it in Japan won't do you much good if you live in Murmansk, for example...
Really? You can do that?
