Don't be jewdy choppin anyone who dun deserve it!


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score

Dun be choppin yo kids yo dog o anyone who dun deserve it!

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You totally have no idea how badly I needed that laugh

Off to practice my judey choppin.
That guy HAD to have gone to the Austin Powers school of Judo .... "JUDO CHOP!" But being da rednek dat he iz ah reckon its da bes' he kin dew wif da whey he talk.
That was.... that was... um... it was.... [someone help me here, please!!]
OMG! The Springer episode. One has to wonder if this dude is real. I hope not. For the sake of humanity, I hope not.
OMG! The Springer episode. One has to wonder if this dude is real. I hope not. For the sake of humanity, I hope not.

Yeah, it's so bizarre, demented, outlandish—I mean, interesting :D—that you have to wonder if it's not a clever persona demo by some talented actor taking the 'Borat' idea in a new direction (or dimension, more likely—definitely not the usual 3 we have on planet Earth).
just watched the hillbilly on jerry springer. hillarious! that guy is awesome!

y'all here watch and learn now!
Is there such a thing as a "Judo Chop" outside of pop media?

Not in the competition form of Judo anyway, though Atemi does get discussed nearer the brown/black belt levels and in some of the older kata there are self defense applications over and above just the "traditional" competition throws.

But don't look to see 'em on the mat at a contest.

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