Does the media choose the candidates?

Andrew Green

MTS Alumni
Aug 1, 2004
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Winnipeg MB
I came across this on another site, Ron Paul and a couple other non-mainstream candidates have a habit of getting ignored, but what does everyone make of this:

1) The media has no love for Mitt Romney. On the Republican side, they prefer McCain.

2) Whatever claims they make, the polls have already closed, and thus cannot influence voter behavior.

3) They do have a set statistical method for picking winners that is rarely wrong once they do so (Gore in 2000 in Florida was one such case). Although I also find it difficult to believe that with less than 1% reporting a winner could be picked, I have no doubt that there is a method behind it and it will be pretty accurate. In fact, as I check CNN, with 95% reporting, it looks like Romney's number is even a bit higher.
I think the point Andrew was bringing up was that Ron Paul was not shown in the three pictures despite the fact that he was beating Huckabee and pretty close to tied with McCain
I think the point Andrew was bringing up was that Ron Paul was not shown in the three pictures despite the fact that he was beating Huckabee and pretty close to tied with McCain
I assume Huckabee was shown instead of Ron Paul, cause Huckabee already had won 1 state, whereas Ron Paul hasn't even come in the top 2...and I don't think the top 3 anywhere either....
Yes, the media definitely does choose the candidates. From the start, the "favored" candidates got more air time during the "debates." How can you be heard if you can't get a word in?

In some cases, the media actually excludes candidates. Kucinich was barred altogether from the Nevada debate. He's a Congressman, for cryin' out loud. It's not as if I was running...
I assume Huckabee was shown instead of Ron Paul, cause Huckabee already had won 1 state, whereas Ron Paul hasn't even come in the top 2...and I don't think the top 3 anywhere either....

Paul placed second in Nevada (where the screenshot is for)
According to my local paper, there are now only -4- candidates running.
According to CNN, there are more than 4 still in the game.
Oh, based on the media, our next president will be John McCain.

Here's why:
Democraps are down to the woman and the black guy. The only other possible choice, Edwards, dropped out.

Repulicrooks are down to McCain, Romney and Huckabee. Paul's still in the race but so far back and being given such short shaft that he has no chance.
McCain is in the lead by a long shot, and that even if Romney or Huckabee drop and give the other their votes, McCain is still the leader.

So, since The US is not ready for either a woman or non-white president, that leaves McCain selected as our next Fuhrer. All that is left is the formaility of the general election and the now traditional manipulation of the ballots to reflect the media's decision.

Think I'm wrong? Bookmark this and check back in November.
Does the media choose the candidates? yup

Yeah, it wasn't until the first GOP debate that the media really talked about anyone besides Clinton and Obama. Then the discussion turned to how hot Edwards and Romney are. Sheesh!

When the media call liberal Republicans moderate, but moderate Democrats conservative you get a pretty good idea of where they are attempting to corral the voters.
I don't know if this is still true (time for some research) but every American Paper-Figurehead Dictator (erm, sorry, President :eek:) has been the tallest of the proposed candidates.

Everything else is moot it would seem :(.

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