Does anyone use real front kick in sparring?

What is better a frot leg or a rear leg front kick?

Depends. IMO, they both have value. You're going to get more power from the rear leg, but throwing one from the front leg works. From a self defense point of view and not sparring, a front leg front kick, low to the shin or knee is a great pre-emptive strike to set yourself up for other things. :)

I have and do use the front kick in point sparring. I usually throw it as a followup to a block. Alot of people just are not looking for a straight on kick.
The front kick is a phenomenal real world kick that packs a punch. In sparring it can be effective if an opponent gives you an opening.

Outstanding post. I couldn't agree more.
It seems that front kick is not a good kick for sparring. Most often the opponent stays sideways and you can get him with a side,hook,round, exe kick, but not front kick. I also could not figure out which front kick to use in sparring. The one that kicks up or the one that thrusts forward.
Yesterday I saw a video of the channel that I subscribe to. Paul Zaichik says that most people do not throw one of the two versions of the front kick, but rather both of them at the same time. I am thinking if this is the reason I can't use the front kick effectivly. Short legs is another possible issue.

Here is a youtube video I am refering to.
I feel these are both too slow a method of delivering a kick. Start cocking before you point the knee. I other words, start pulling up the foot as soon as it lifts the ground, and roll the kick off the hip. Its faster....
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A front kick is one of the main kicks that can be used against an un-injured opponent. Because there is little or no noticeable sideward torso lean with this kick it will not telegraph as`much as other kicks.
Both the snap and power front kick are very effective, it can cause alot of pain and can even, if applied correctly, break things.
The target area for the front kick can be anywhere from the ankle / shin area up to and including the head area.
This fighting tool is very versatile indeed.
I use the front snap kick a lot in sparring.. especially when the opponent throws any kind of kick first. its also a great defensive kick as you back up against a blitz .. front snap kick is a great tool and works very well.
I LOVE the front kick. It is EASY (for me) to score — in fact, "All too easy ..."

even if they use a side sparring stance.

It is accurate, fast, powerful ...

Generally, I follow almost EVERY reverse punch with a front kick

(that's right, you get two thumps for the price of one~! Act now, and we'll throw in a sidekick to your floating rib!!)
I find that no matter what stance they are using, if you slide to the side, then front kick, they are usually wide open! Especially considering that most people use a back leg round kick, they are wide open for the sliding front kick.

So to answer you, YES!!!!!!!
First, I have a lot to learn about sparring. However, I've effectively used a front leg kick-roundhouse combination. My sparring partner stepped back to get out of the way and then I slid in for a one-two punch. I have also made contact with the both rear leg and front leg front kicks It's a matter of making your partner move into a vulnerable position sometimes.

Also, you can do a pidgeon step around your partner and do a front leg kick though it's easier to do a roundhouse kidney kick after doing the pidgeon step.

(Also, I'm only fourth gup. So, I imagine more experienced sparrers might not be as vulernable.)