Doc's SL4 Seminar in Houston


2nd Black Belt
Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score
Katy, Texas
I just wanted to say thank you to Doc and Bode for coming down and sharing with us their knowledge. It was enjoyable and informative. It was an honor to meet Mr. Billings and a few other people that posted on here. Sorry I had to leave at 3:00 to pick up a family member from work or I would of stayed till the end. I would also like to thank jb for setting it all up.
Tell us about what you learned? What were some of the concepts explored, the medium for demonstration, and what the implications are for your exploration of kenpo?



PS -- Mr. Billings...did he go over neutral bow stability, and was it satisfactory?
We went over anatomical alignment. He covered Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF), Platform Alignment Mechanism (PAM), Body Alignment Mechanism (BAM). By utilizing these concepts, we were able to see a difference in making our stances and strikes more solid and stronger. It was a lot of good information.
J Bugg my hats off to you my man.. Within the last 3 weeks you managed to host 2 eye opening and mid boggling seminars.

Zach Whitson's 2 day seminar in Houston left me as they always do wanting more. I wouldn't expect anything less when I hit the mat with the man. I'm really look forward to seeing him in San Antonio in August. The man only has two speeds overdrive and warp speed.LOL. He managed as always to take us from zero to 60 faster than a Dodge Viper. As I've said before in the past his knowledge of empty-handed and weapon applications is uncanny. I do suggest to all when he is near your area to attend one of his seminars and see for yourself. After 2 full 8 hour days with him I can clearly see the man has really been in his lab cooking up some good stuff and that there's more to come.

And now for Doc Chapel and Bode. Well what can I say but WOW! I will be the very first to admit I was one of Sub-level Fours biggest skeptics and often raised an eyebrow when reading articles, post , and theories behind this sub system of Ed Parkers Kenpo. Within two minutes on the mat with these guys I felt in over my head and was pissed I didn't bring my old white belt to put back on. Doc and Bode came to Texas and brought the Thunder with them. Besides the fact these guys have more energy than a nuclear power plant and are a couple of the greatest guys I have ever met. Their seminar material cleared up a lot of questions and mis conceptions I had before in the past. Funny I've read on this forum as well as others about the SL-4 Delayed Sword and its content. Until you see (and feel) what Doc's teaching I wouldn't knock it. As we all know video doesn't do anyone justice and there will always be that fool whose sitting behind his computer inhaling Twinkies and root beer and critiquing the video and the instructor . It blows my mind how most have so much to say about what he does but do not take the time to step on the mat with him or any of his students to see if he walks the walk.(which in my opinion he does) and if SL-4 can hold its own (which again in my opinion it DOES) Doc and Bode (salute) you gentlemen did a hell of a job. I know you guys don't need me to legitimize what you do but I'm doing it anyway. If your intentions were to reach at least one person to get your point across, well your job is done. I'm convinced. I have to admit I don't know if it was a) magic, b) illusions or c) just good sound basics and the understanding of the human anatomy that makes it work LOL I opt for answer C. J Bugg correct me if I'm wrong but I could of sworn I saw them carrying lightsabers under their Gi's LOL.

Again Bugg good sound seminars. Its going to be tough to top but I still have my rabbit in the hat Huk Planas for 2 days in July and Zach for 2 days in August..

Craig Dishmon
Kenpo-Parker/Planas Lineage
Pekiti-Tirsia- McGrath/Whitson Lineage
Remy Presas Arnis / H.H.P.A.C

"A true Martial Artist is not one who fears change,but causes it to happen!"
-- Ed Parker
"Never leave an enemy standing."
-- Shaka Zulu

Yep. Visits with Doc are always eye-opening, and continue to be that way. I'm glad you had a good experience. I miss seeing them terribly, but it's good to know some word is gettin' out.



PS - Doc actually keeps his light saber up his left sleeve, and Bode keeps his up his...well...nevermind. Keep at it, smallville.
Kembudo-Kai Kempoka said:
Tell us about what you learned? What were some of the concepts explored, the medium for demonstration, and what the implications are for your exploration of kenpo?



PS -- Mr. Billings...did he go over neutral bow stability, and was it satisfactory?
Yes he did. It was more than satisfactory as you already know by experience. It gave me a better conceptual framework for part of the art that I have been exploring on my own. Some of the semantics were different, some of the explanations for "why" were different from my own, but it was a more logically built foundation. Things I have been struggling with doing, were structured more as I think of Mr. Parker "logical building blocks". This logical engineering type of framework was part of why I went with the instructor I did, Tommy Burks, his mind works that way, as does Dennis Contaser's, and lots of others whom Mr. Parker interacted and taught.

The difference is where Doc went with it, and how it correlates with my own growth right now. I wish I had more time. We hit PAM's, BAM's, PNF receptors, Spacial Distortion, Indexing, some sequential pressure point work (a little), and all with Doc's special sense of humor.

Jason Bugg ran a great seminar. I took 4 or so students from here in Austin, and two of my Shen Chuan buddies came from Nacogdoches to train. We all loved it. Feeling is believing I believe I heard from a couple of my guys.

Sounds like everyone had a fantastic time and everyone walked away having learned something. Thanks to everyone that posted a review of this seminar!

Thanks for the kind words everyone. I hope we can come out again and have an even better time. (Maybe even a two day?!)
Mr. Bugg, pleasure to meet you. Thanks for your hospitality and making me three pounds heavier.
Thanks to everyone who came and experienced SL4. I loved sharing.
Brad Bode
Bode said:
Thanks for the kind words everyone. I hope we can come out again and have an even better time. (Maybe even a two day?!)
Mr. Bugg, pleasure to meet you. Thanks for your hospitality and making me three pounds heavier.
Thanks to everyone who came and experienced SL4. I loved sharing.
Brad Bode

I knew you guys and girls would have a good time wish I could have been there but circumstances made it impossible.
<---Is hoping to get back down to boogie with Dr. Chapel & crew again sometime. I was unavoidably detained my last trip due to a combination of back injury and female eh...pissiness.

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