Do you tell?


Yellow Belt
Nov 28, 2006
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I have a question based on a situation that arose last night. Some friends and I were at the mall last night. We were seated near a kiosk that sells sunglasses. Two young men walk up to the stand. One walks around to the other side talking to the cashier. We were watching them already because they were wearing large sunglasses (indoors at night), and one had on a neon green jacket. While the one guy distracted the cashier, the other one pocketed a pair of sunglasses. I could only see the shoulders up of the one that took the glasses, but I knew something was up because of how the two were acting. When the thief had the glasses, he left for the bathrooms and waited for his friend who followed. They disappeared into the bathroom together. My brother looked over at us and said that he had stolen a pair of glasses.

My question is what do you do? Do you ignore it, or do you tell the cashier?

I told the cashier, and he confronted the young man. I do not know what was said, but we saw the young man later in the mall. There was really nothing the cashier could do. I imagine the trip to the bathroom was to handoff the glasses.
u jump them and beat the crap out of them. jk. I'd probably find security and let them know. They're there to handle these situations, right?
Naha... Your own signature says it all.
Our an omen of our destiny, and the more integrity we have and keep, the simpler and nobler that destiny is likely to be. ~ George Santayana

Definitely notifying security would've caught BOTH of them instead of getting the one who actually took the glasses. Presumably there's security cameras that will record the incident.
The clerk should've notified security as soon as you told them.

You did good.
Yep, I would have said something to the clerk right when it happened. I would have said something right outloud in front of the pocketer. Security would have come cause dude would have either run or handed back the glasses. So busted. When I worked at gas stations though, the theives actually had to leave the building before charges could be filed. If they pocketed it in the store, they might have intent to pay, so you had to wait to catch them as soon as they exit. That's why it takes at least two peeps to work a small store. Otherwise, expect to get robbed cameras and all. (I use to hide in the cooler when we had someone who we suspected...and watch their every move. It was so funny to see how people behave when they think they are hiding in a cornor. They can't see behind the shelves in the cooler and are never the wiser.) Caught a bunch of people in the early 90's when cameras weren't nearly what they are today. I think you did a good job.
"all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men (or women) do nothing."

If they get caught or not, what really matters is that you show the world and yourself that you stand up for whats right. You did good.
By not confronting the thief was good, you could have been harmed over a pair of Oakleys, you did tell the clerk so they could adjust for shrinkage.

You showed integrity, that was the correct thing to do.
I flap open my wallet and let the pristine lights of justice imminate from my badge while leveling my Sig at them and say "Drop the glasses scumbag"..
I flap open my wallet and let the pristine lights of justice imminate from my badge while leveling my Sig at them and say "Drop the glasses scumbag"..

lol, love it! I'll flap open my wallet and show them my drivers license... Too bad being average Joe doesn't have the same effect :(

And about the topic, I agree, not much you can do about it.
I think that you did the correct thing, under the circumstance. Thieves deserve to be caught. I know that I'd have, at the very least, notified the cashier. I'd have probably also sought out mall security, and kept the thieves in sight.
you did the right thing - trying to intervene could get you in deep trouble VERY quickly - especially over something as minor as a pair of sunglasses. God knows what folks will do in retaliation... just yesterday in Bethlehem, PA a 15 year old was shot to death when he answered the door to his apt.... for no reason; he wasn't involved in a gang, didn't hang out with any one group.... someone came up, knocked on the door and shot him dead then ran off.

The kiosk vendor should have gotten mall security involved ASAP.
The kiosk vendor should have gotten mall security involved ASAP.

Tell Mall security right away! They won't be allowed in the Mall again and you make the Mall a better place.

Not necessarily true... Often there are very specific rules in place to protect shoppers and retailers both... often they vary from place to place, but I was a Store Manager in 2 malls for a National chain store for over 6 years and in both malls, you had to see the person take the merchandise, AND not lose sight of them to ensure they did not put the stuff back... or mall security wouldnt get involved. Because the Shopkeeper didnt see them take the glasses, and they left and went somplace they couldnt be seen, mall security would PROBABLY only have watched them a while to see if they would steal more.

I think its good you told the vender, but I think it was too late by the time you did for him to really do anything.

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