Do you like to train alone?

Sometimes i afraid that someone may think that i am crazy or something similar bacause training alone!

I love training, it's sometimes good to be alone in the nature. It's not always martial arts training, sometimes i just screcthing, conditioning, or doing the sun lattitude, a great form from yoga. Or sometimes i just go there and sleep.

What do you think about this, and do you like to training alone?
I've never heard of the "sun lattitude".

I LOve to train alone,
but I love to train with a few others better.

over all

I just love to train

Your Brother
Sorry because of my bad translation, correct translation from my language is: sun salutation.
Yes i have! Here are three pictures.

pictured from the i usually practice:

front, from the road:

one more from the back:

This man on pics is my uncle..this was pictured when it was just finished, now yard looks better.

Damn man,
This is one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen!

I didn't know Croatia was so pretty!
Sorry because of my bad translation, correct translation from my language is: sun salutation.

I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention, I didn't realize you were from Croatia.

I've seen several photos of country side from Croatia before and, together with your photos, it reminds me a bit of the "Ozark" region from here in the USA.

The Sun Salutation is a beautiful sequence.

your Brother
Nice place Tiger, out in the countryside, you can enjoy peace and quiet.
Also, when you train alone. You get to practice the things you want to put extra work into. I'll train alone of course. But I need and like a group to help push me along also. Ous, kh
Nice place Tiger, out in the countryside, you can enjoy peace and quiet.
Also, when you train alone. You get to practice the things you want to put extra work into. I'll train alone of course. But I need and like a group to help push me along also. Ous, kh
but also besides simply being motivated better by working with peers, I REALLY prefer to work with/against another human. I can do forms and drills and things in the air a lot, and I do. But nothing replaces body to body contact for really getting things down GOOD.

Your Brother
Well..question is simply!

I like. Sometimes, pretty often i mean, i go somwehere alone and train.

That somewhere is my wooden cottage, 11 kilometeres far from my house, in the forest, not much deep (it's on the forest road). Me and my uncle builded it for vacations..there is no power supply, water, or telephone, it's all nature, and i enjoy training there. Sometimes i stay almost all day! I started to arrange that cottage like a dojo!

Somewhere #2 is my mother's house, she lives in the hill, setlled hill 10 kolometers out of town. She has a giant yard, and i train in that yard.

Sometimes i afraid that someone may think that i am crazy or something similar bacause training alone!

I love training, it's sometimes good to be alone in the nature. It's not always martial arts training, sometimes i just screcthing, conditioning, or doing the sun lattitude, a great form from yoga. Or sometimes i just go there and sleep.

What do you think about this, and do you like to training alone?

The majority of CMA training is done alone, and I train CMA, so yes, I like to train alone, and it really doesn't matter where.

Although you do have some nice places to train
train alone?

Kata and drill....yes. although i like to have someone else also training with me.

Kihons and kumites.....nope. need a partner.
Well..question is simply!

I like. Sometimes, pretty often i mean, i go somwehere alone and train.

That somewhere is my wooden cottage, 11 kilometeres far from my house, in the forest, not much deep (it's on the forest road). Me and my uncle builded it for vacations..there is no power supply, water, or telephone, it's all nature, and i enjoy training there. Sometimes i stay almost all day! I started to arrange that cottage like a dojo!

Somewhere #2 is my mother's house, she lives in the hill, setlled hill 10 kolometers out of town. She has a giant yard, and i train in that yard.

Sometimes i afraid that someone may think that i am crazy or something similar bacause training alone!

I love training, it's sometimes good to be alone in the nature. It's not always martial arts training, sometimes i just screcthing, conditioning, or doing the sun lattitude, a great form from yoga. Or sometimes i just go there and sleep.

What do you think about this, and do you like to training alone?

I used to. I would practice kicks in the air and hit the bag everyday, but that only gets you so far. I still train on the bag, kick the air, and punch wall studs for conditioning, but I don't really feel like I accomplished anything unless I get tossed around a little, and tap a moving target a bit. Its always nice to have a partner to work with. Depends on the art to. I suppose it would be hard to practice judo, or BJJ without a buddy though I wouldn't really know.
I train alone all the time, but I'm also a very dedicated person. When I put my mind to something... I grab it. I haven't really ran into a problem of ingraining a mistake. But like they say "different strokes for different folks," or at least something like that.
It seems a lot of people like to training alone.

I also prefer katas the most...besides it's good to have time for you and your mistakes, you feel like in a Chuck Norris movie set, if in the nature :ultracool :bangahead:

And yes, doing grappling or joint locks alone is pretty silly. Anybody tryed? :duh:
I am looking into schools that train everyday, so I probably wont be able to train alone. But, sometimes i'd imagine id want to go into machine mode, if I managed to absorb a style, or train in a style that is similar to my experience, I'd want to double everything (more repetitions, more of this and that) I do in a normal session that would drop an elephant.

Sometimes theres workouts I want to do that is too embrassing to do around people. Like for example I cant perform a hundred drills on a partner, and not expect to have a hundred drills done to me, and do it that I am not sleeping in the school. So, I would create some contraption that i can work on some techniques with (not as good as the real thing, but it will build some good attributes as though you dont have any technical problems), or I like to lift weights to failure, last time I was on the gym I failed on the last rep, I couldnt lift the bar and I ended up doing some weird acrobatic movement to get out of the way, everyone just looked at me, it was embrassing. If I trained alone, I can do certain things in the gym that can prevent that, but none of that is allowed in the gym, and is extremely embrassing (example, leaving out the clamps on the bar, if you fail in a rep, you tilt it to the side and the plates fall, this will tilt it back to the heavier side and drop the plates on the other side, its a safe way of releasing something that is easy, but you end up looking foolish if you do it in the gym since you will be all like CLANK, CHUNK, CHABOOM and your laying there with an empty bar with plates dropping all around you, or you can get in trouble, just make sure you have matts or something to take the drops of plates, and it takes pratice because its not foolproof).