Dillman thoughts?

Whatever the truth about his other teachings, when I see his students throwing "balls of radio waves" back and forth I know something is wrong.
I have not dealt with Mr. Dillman on a one to one basis. I have, however, been around several of his higher ranking students. Their knowledge of pressure points(kyusho) is decent, but no more than any other kyusho experts that I have trained with. I have seen to many holes in his use of "ki" to say that he is being entirely straight forward. It is the sam eas every other style out there. There will be people who follow it and some who don't. For me and my students, we don't.
My teacher has been involved in martial arts for 38 yrs now. He knows Mr. Dillman personally for many of those years. From the information I have received, I would not be interested in attending one of his seminars.

Just my $.02
Pressure points are primarily nerve endings or bundles of nerves under and around muscle tissues under the skin. I know a handful that can be painful on most people when pressed and can do worse if struck. I know from watching my GM in HapKiDo that an extensive knowledge of them can be pretty nasty. We use them to assist with a technique or carrying technique but as junior students we are told not to worry about them until at least first dan black belt. Most of the Dillman stuff I've heard about no-touch knockouts is pretty silly. I know someone who had claims that a GM, by striking at his stomach but stopping an inch short, was able to move some stomach liquid inside his stomach. Pretty interesting huh? I'm still a sceptic though. Just punch him in the stomach if you want to take him down.
I don't know if he's a fraud or not but he sure has a lot of $. He advertises everywhere in martial arts publications and is constantly giving seminars all over the country. I've never even seen the guy other than his lousy black and white book at Borders on pressure point fighting. We should start a poll...most people seem to agree on Dillman being full of it.
Here what I know for a fact fromOyata.Oyata held a seminar many years ago & said it snowed & Dilman was the 1 to get there.Soon after he was a grandmaster teaching points.He did lots of studies of points-lots of k.o.s but to stand still & let some one hit you is not my idea of k.o. some I saw were on the floor smiling & dilman said not fully out.1 time on a tape I have he did splean hit & that person actualy died till revieved later.Dilman states no long term effect from the k.o. & has Dr. reports for that.Now here is the Big moment & Im not bashing or putting Dilman down but Oyata the founder of the art Got his TYKO degree2000.how can Dilman be grandmaster asked by Oyata?I know his k.o.s are good & he is a great show man & money maker as Wally Jay & Remy joined him for the BIG 3!Now I do also have a tape were Dilman give ranks & Wally Jays-Remy Presas & Loe Fong names are on there for the board of ranking.Not 1 said they signed -All told me the names were probley taken from net as the reply to futher seminars & stopped them.These are simply facts-no bashing-degrading ect.Check With Tyco Oyata or Fong or Wally Jay for thier words to be confirmed.

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