Deadliest warrior

Aiki Lee

Master of Arts
Jul 18, 2006
Reaction score
DeKalb, IL
I haven't seen a thread posted on this , so if I missed one I apologize.

Anyone seen Deadliest Warrior on Spike TV? For those who haven't heard about it, the concept is to find experts on particular warriors such as samurai, knights, spartans and whatnot and try to scientifically determine which group would likely defeat the other they are paired off against. The idea of scientifically trying to determine who would win in a battle using only knowelge about a weapon's design and use without taking into account the warriors' strategy, level of personal skill, and determination is of course impossible, but the show can still be fun.

They get these lifelike replicas of people (complete with organs and blood and bone structure) and test weapons on them to see what they would do to the human body. It's really cool IMO. Plus they have a "re-enactment" battle between the two opposing sides that are paired up that is quite enjoyable.

So as long as you don't take the show too seriously, I think it's worth the watch. So if you haven't seen it, it's on Tuesdays at 10pm (9 for us in the midwest), and you can download previous episodes on X-box live if you are in the possession of one.
I am waiting for Superman VS. Spiderman and if they are truely that good.

As far as the show it is someone personal opinion and that is where flaw comes into.
The little I have seen left me well perplexed as their experts were lacking on multiple levels.
I have not seen it and the last add I saw was Spartan vs Ninja and my only thought was... "give me a break what next hoplite vs the real version of a terracotta warrior".

(terracotta warrior - Qin Army soldier)

So likely I will not watch it at all
I've seen the commercials and it looks interesting, though I guess it's not that great from the responces to this thread...
I prefer Fight Quest to almost anything. That was a pretty good show.
Let me know when they do pirates vs. ninjas. Or Geishas vs. IDF girls in a mud-wrestling match...that would be worth watching :D
ehh they are a bit lacking at times in the expertise department i think... and well it seems to be a one on one kinda proposition , and well a lot of soldiers and other combatants over the century's didn't do it that way after all.... with a 20 lbs bag of salt.. kinda interesting.

they do give some people who are not fumalure with some weapons some idea of how they work and how effective they would tend to be perhaps.
As Chinto said, they give a prespective of how effective some of the weapons would be on each others armor or defenses from different era. It's a little interesting at times, but quite boring at others.
I agree, the weapons demos are pretty cool. I seriously doubt some of the comparison conclusions...lotos of apples to orange stuff there. I totally hate the contrivred competitive atmosphere set up between the two "scintific" teams...really, the smack talk is unfunny and unnecessary. Finally, this computer program that's supposed to crunch the's liek some magic one really knows what's going on there or how the data is being utilized.

That being said, it'll kill an hour if you've got nothing better to do....I'm not going to go out of my way to follow it.

Man!!! I see a post on the deadliest warrior and so I naturally assumed that you were talking about me! I find out that instead, it is just some television show.:p

In all seriousness, it could be interesting, though the tech issue would need to be addressed in some meaningful way.

I once read a comparison of the samurai vs. a knight. It took the writer almost a full page to narrow down which era of samurai and which era of knight. That makes a huge difference. He basically said that it would have been anyone's guess, as both were fairly evenly matched, but he gave the nod to the knight based mainly on the shield and to a lesser extent, superior armor. He also treated the katana as a sword and not as some kind of light sabre and addressed other weapons used by the samurai.

Most importantly, he treated both warriors with a great deal of respect rather than like a 'Wolverine could beat Spiderman/Nuh-uh! Spiderman has webs!' type of discussion that this sort of subject so often turns into.

I have not seen it and the last add I saw was Spartan vs Ninja and my only thought was... "give me a break what next hoplite vs the real version of a terracotta warrior".

(terracotta warrior - Qin Army soldier)

So likely I will not watch it at all

I did... in error... craptacular...

Total unfettered ********....

I doublt seriously I'll bother with Spike again for any "original" programming.

I mean for Christsake they quote Ashida Kim on their website for this as a source...
I understand the reasoning in the Knight vs. Samurai discussion you mentioned, but...the Samurai weren't fighting people in plate armour and hence didn't prepare for that. Tactics adjust, so to pick two random entities from two different eras and compare them strikes me as unfair. The knights carried weapons useful for fighting their typical opponents just as the Samurai did.
I mean for Christsake they quote Ashida Kim on their website for this as a source...

:confused: quote Ashida Kim :jaw-dropping: Please tell me this is not true :eek:

I decided to give it a look the other night, since I was flipping channels and came across it by accident and I saw all of about 2 minutes of the Ninja vs Spartan episode and 2 minutes was all I could take and I changed it. Yes Spartans were like a tank but Ninja's had better swords..... big fat hairy deal... neither ever trained to fight the other and unless you want to go back in time and pluck a Spartan warrior and a Ninja out of history and drop them into the Roman Coliseum you will never know and even then it proves nothing only that one of them had a better day and one had a very very very bad day.

Just more sensationalized TV silliness. The whole reality show thing appears to be fading (thank the gods) so now we have to replace it by violent speculations based on historical confrontations that NEVER could have happened.

Next up on Deadliest Warrior Richard the Lionheart :knight2: vs George S Patton :tank:.
neither ever trained to fight the other and unless you want to go back in time and pluck a Spartan warrior and a Ninja out of history and drop them into the Roman Coliseum you will never know and even then it proves nothing only that one of them had a better day and one had a very very very bad day.
What makes it funny is that it looks like they've both been plucked out of time, and the fight was filmed in a park, or someone's backyard.

The stealthy assassins of Japan's feudal era, Ninjas were legendary warriors who inspired fear, awe, and respect.
Using the shadows to launch their sneak attacks against whomever they were paid to kill, their mastery of the art of assassination made them valuable to the samurai for espionage and political assassinations.
Their wide array of weapons allowed them to kill in many ways.

The two dweebs that they used "displaying" the "ninjer skillz" had no X-kan training. One was a voice over/character actor who couldn't properly form a hasso no kamae or gedan no kamae with the to & the other is a TKD'r but made great faces...
What makes it funny is that it looks like they've both been plucked out of time, and the fight was filmed in a park, or someone's backyard.

Well officer I was walking though Boston Common when out of nowhere
Richard the Lionheart and George S Patton started fighting.

You know now I have all sorts of silly thoughts in my head about this. Just imagine looking in to your backyard and you see a Ninja and a Spartan going at it.... do you call the police and then see how a Glock holds up against a Ninja and a Spartan or do you sell tickets?


The two dweebs that they used "displaying" the "ninjer skillz" had no X-kan training. One was a voice over/character actor who couldn't properly form a hasso no kamae or gedan no kamae with the to & the other is a TKD'r but made great faces...

Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and face making...face making and surprise.... Our two weapons are face making and surprise...and ruthless efficiency.... Our *three* weapons are face making, surprise, and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the Emperor.... Our *four* *Amongst* our weapons.... Amongst our weaponry...are such elements as face making, surprise.... I'll come in again.
Well officer I was walking though Boston Common when out of nowhere
Richard the Lionheart and George S Patton started fighting.

You know now I have all sorts of silly thoughts in my head about this. Just imagine looking in to your backyard and you see a Ninja and a Spartan going at it.... do you call the police and then see how a Glock holds up against a Ninja and a Spartan or do you sell tickets?
I'd say call the cops, because spear and ninja star damage may not be covered under some home insurance policies. However, take your time so you can enjoy the fight.

However if spartan-vs-ninja-related damages are covered, then sell tickets, but call the cops to help maintain crowd control... lol.