

Green Belt
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
north of boston
I really can not believe I saw this.
(make sure you have the audio on... you do not want to miss the dramatic music!)

I am not sure which of the statements on this site disturb me the most: "Most effective form of self-defence ever devised"... "You will advance and learn just as if you were in a regular class"... " It was not like the other martial arts he had seen, this art was REAL."...

Well... I guess I should just contact my instructor now and tell him that I will not be going to class anymore.
OH.. and it comes with a free t-Shirt! woohoo!!

While I am in no position to comment on the quality of material or the credibility of the instructors, I can say this: I have never heard of a book, cd, or video that will correct my mistakes, provide real-time suggestions to improve my technique, or provide the experience of being on the receiving end of a technique. This is not to say that all books, videos, and cd's are useless... they can still be a valuable learning TOOL.

A fool and his money are soon parted... then knocked on his rear.

I am sure this thread will get moved to a more appropriate location.. bad budo or humor.
Originally posted by grimfang
I really can not believe I saw this.
(make sure you have the audio on... you do not want to miss the dramatic music!)

I am not sure which of the statements on this site disturb me the most: "Most effective form of self-defence ever devised"... "You will advance and learn just as if you were in a regular class"... " It was not like the other martial arts he had seen, this art was REAL."...

Well... I guess I should just contact my instructor now and tell him that I will not be going to class anymore.
OH.. and it comes with a free t-Shirt! woohoo!!

While I am in no position to comment on the quality of material or the credibility of the instructors, I can say this: I have never heard of a book, cd, or video that will correct my mistakes, provide real-time suggestions to improve my technique, or provide the experience of being on the receiving end of a technique. This is not to say that all books, videos, and cd's are useless... they can still be a valuable learning TOOL.

A fool and his money are soon parted... then knocked on his rear.

I am sure this thread will get moved to a more appropriate location.. bad budo or humor.
I want a T-shirt

I honestly think it's satire. "Where ancient art meets modern technology"
I don't think that this site is necessarily satire. I didn't see enough "clues" on the site to show it as a satire site.

My position would be to take it at face value; that is, that it is a studio that has decided to branch out into cyberspace as well as the local area. Take it this way until proven otherwise.

There are plenty of these out there.....some are good MA, some are not. I think the idea is in the right place, but, as has been mentioned, it would be decent as a training *tool* a replacement for the real thing? The most effective ever developed? Well, the jury may still be out on that......hehe

Anyway, as always, caveat emptor (buyer beware!)!!

Trial Lesson!

"Lesson 15 Part One

Lesson 15 is yet another block and grab, it is an exciting lesson, make sure to pay close attention to the leverage in step 2.

Opponent Throws a Left Punch
Step 1: Step up with left foot and left upwindmill block and grab.

Step 2: Step in front of opponents legs with your right leg and force opponent to bend forward by applying leverage to the back of his elbow with your right hand. Note: Don’t try to “push” your opponent over, rather rotate your shoulders for a strong leverage, they WILL go

Step 3: Right Kick to Left Jaw. "

Uh... Step up left... block left, leverage... Ok, we just tried this... doesnt seem practical to us... the way we read it we were stepping right into the follow up punch from the attackers right hand... If we are misreading it, who is correcting us???

For $10 more, they will show you the counter-technique !!!
