Cross Training Anyone?


Blue Belt
May 4, 2006
Reaction score
Aberdeen, Scotland
Hi guys, just wondering what kind of cross training you do (if any) and how you feel it helps with Muay Thai?

I've just begun to train in the Kali classes at our gym, they are great fun and the stick fighting is helping with hand speed. It's not a sweat-fest which means I can do the Muay Thai afterwards (bonus!)

H xx
I'm just starting so don't take my opinion is if it came from God. Anyway, my opinion is if you want to punch harder punch more. If you want to kick harder kick more. If you want to beat people with sticks then practice swinging sticks.

I do moderate aerobic (elliptical bike), jumping rope, and punch and kick until I can't. Seems obvious. :p I'm gonna add stuff like getting up from the ground "Combat Drills" and sprawls to evade takedowns in real fights.

Kali is cool, and I wish you luck with it. I keep looking at it, but can't really decide if I like it. I guess I like the knuckle-hits-something feeling. :)

- Mind
i'm tkd not mt and i cross train in judo with the same instructor. i feel like it makes me more aware when i spar or in takedown drills. also i like the idea of not getting taken down and pounded or even killed depending on the situation. we also compare our kicks with mt so that we may gain as much power as possible which gives me a few different variations on each kick.

with respect,
wee_blondie said:
Hi guys, just wondering what kind of cross training you do (if any) and how you feel it helps with Muay Thai?

I've just begun to train in the Kali classes at our gym, they are great fun and the stick fighting is helping with hand speed. It's not a sweat-fest which means I can do the Muay Thai afterwards (bonus!)

H xx

Hello.I primlary training in Muay Thai but I cross train in MMA (Boxing,Wrestling,Judo,BJJ).I think that it helps out my Muay Thai game because since I get to often fight people of different styles it helps me to be more open minded about fighting and it open doors to various techniques that I would not have thought of before.

Also, sometimes when you injure yourself in a way that prevents you from fighting one range of fighting you can still keep up your stamnia by training in another.That happend to me today;a few days ago a hurt my right shin(by dropping an eight foot ladder on it") earlier today when I was sparring I asked my sparing partner to throw aggressive puches at me(because I want to train heavy on fighting off strong boxers with Muay Thai kicks) after a few minuties of onslaught,I counter with mostly medium kicks(which most connected) but one kick he blocked and when he did he did it text book perfect.My shin started to hurt quite a bit at first then my calf started to lock up.So my standup was gone.I have my first Muay Thai fight on at the end of next month so I cannot afford to lose any stamnia,so for the rest of the night I worked on my ground game.

So to answer you question,YES cross training does help out your Muay Thai.
Well, in my opinion... the best thing that is going to help your Muay Thai... is Muay Thai. I also train BJJ, and MMA. Granted, they do help out my Mixed Martial Art game, is doesn't necessarily help my Muay. The MMA stand up is different from Muay, and can have you developing bad Muay habits, if you can't distinguish between the two. Muay Thai is the best way to help your Muay Thai, IMHO.
One of the other students in my eskrima class trains in MMA. He told me instructor that he likes doing the eskrima because it increases his hand speed, and reaction time.
Thanks for the input guys. Recently have started doing groundwork (Submission wrestling) and its so much fun! Although Muay Thai is still my first love!

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