Crazy Sifu?

there are several situations when your teacher will pouch you as in a real fight:
1. when you visit the teacher in the first time. and you do want to examine the teacher's kung fu.especially you have learnt some other styles of kung fu.
2. you are not looking for a teacher, but want to kick the teacher's school.
3. the teacher want to you know how the skill use, and what's the consequence of the skill.
4. at old age in china, when you want to go outside after years of leaning kung fu, there would be a test before that, sparing with si fu or with other disciples of sifu.
i think your situation is none of above. apparently, your teacher is trying to find back his face. at least, he doesn't have any virtue of being a teacher. it's easy to imagine that you will never learn any real kung fu from him.
leave is your best choice.
there are several situations when your teacher will pouch you as in a real fight:
1. when you visit the teacher in the first time. and you do want to examine the teacher's kung fu.especially you have learnt some other styles of kung fu.

Only if you learned no mo duk. A friendly exchange of hands & tea would to the same with no real injury

2. you are not looking for a teacher, but want to kick the teacher's school.

Gong sau... you earn what you get there

3. the teacher want to you know how the skill use, and what's the consequence of the skill.

That's good training where everybody trains that way but the teacher doesn't abuse the students

4. at old age in china, when you want to go outside after years of leaning kung fu, there would be a test before that, sparing with si fu or with other disciples of sifu.

Maybe in some but not all

i think your situation is none of above. apparently, your teacher is trying to find back his face. at least, he doesn't have any virtue of being a teacher. it's easy to imagine that you will never learn any real kung fu from him.
leave is your best choice.

The teacher lost more face by doing that did than he did in receiving the blow. Face would've been gained by laughing it off & complementing him, not by smacking him around the way he did.
I just want to say a sincere thank you to everyone who replied to my questions. I have decided to never return there, both for my personal safety, as well as my wifes who was taking classes as well. I feel that his actions demonstrated the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what I love about any martial art.

Again thank you everyone. Justin
Agreed on all points except one: legal action. What did you sign when you joined? Is it a full-contact club? I think the law expects some injury in a martial-arts club, and you wouldn't find a sympathetic ear.

Now you could report him to the sport's governing body, but legally, I think you're out of luck. My opinion.

But he's still a creep, so get out of there.

I agree with the others on leaving that school immediately, but must respectfully disagree with the legal point above.

Most such releases may act to protect the school owner from injury occurring accidentally and in the normal course of class activity.... this case was what the civil law would call an 'intentional tort' and the criminal law define as an assault and battery. I cannot conceive of any release which would shield a school owner, either in civil or criminal law, from the conduct here.

Especially given the potential consequences of the head injuries, you should see a doctor, a police officer and an attorney.
This Sifu, and I use this term lightly, has no mental skills, and his technique is reprehensable. When I was much younger in my art, my first two teachers would get very mad at me as I was a small guy and felt I had to prove something. Sooooo...I usually showed little or no control the first years of training. Finally, my Shaolin master found the cure for me: if I harmed another student, especially once I became an instructor, he would spar me with that technique and made it hurt, but without permanently injuring me or raising a just hurt alot! I found his cure was the best. My Ying Jow master use to get really mad at me for this, but instead of attacking me, he would pull me aside, and once applied his claw to my elbow while taking me away. As he applied real pressure for the first time while smiling at me, he kindly said not to harm a classmate, as they are your most valuable resource to learn and correct your mistakes. The first time I actually hit my Shaolin master, during 4 and a half hours of us sparring straight, me in body gear and pads, he was so happy I actually bloodied his lip with a fast kick, he stopped in front of the class, laughed, and said his bird had finally flown! Of course, that was the only technique I got in that day...LOL! Bottom line, a master or instructor should always gradate his skills to be one level above who he is working with, and if he/she gets hit by a student like that two things should happen: he should laugh, and then he should hug his student and tell him/her he has learned!!! And then, become a student again and learn why it happened. Stay away from this teacher, instead of suing him, tell everyone in town about him and destroy his business. Remember, success is the ultimate revenge, so go to another school, learn the right way and let him see what he could have had with moral values in his system!!
Grydth is right about releases. Just never ASK for it.

"Go ahead, hit me, give me your best shot!"

Is not an iron clad defense, but i have SEEN it work in court to obviate all guilt or liability for civil action.

Just a thought.

Especially given the potential consequences of the head injuries, you should see a doctor, a police officer and an attorney.

Upon reflection, I agree. It couldn't hurt to seek out options from an attorney.