could dark knight really exist...and for how long

Wish I could get a hold of THAT training programme!!! :)

Hey Jenna! I think his upcoming book will be an interesting read. He says he doens't have a training program in it....but.....sounds like he does make a lot of suggestions...hmmmmm

Good article, great find.
One thing though... The recent movie Batmans have killed. In the article it alluded to not using lethal force. But in the movies and I've seen some comic/graphic novels where he does. For example in Batman Returns there's a scene where he takes a bomb off of one thug and then plants it on another thug, throws him down a hole and seconds later it goes off. It's doubtful if the thug lived through that, because that's akin to jumping on a live grenade.

Also mentioning that the DK might be brooding all the time because of repeated blows to the skull which may (or may not) be concussions and which leads to depression.
I think that it's because he is realistic and knows that whatever he's doing, fighting crime and locking away criminals and saving people's lives isn't really making a dent or a difference on the whole. Sure saving individual lives is great and makes a difference there but often times numerous people have died when a bad guy makes his appearance and DK has to find him and stop him before he kills again. Perhaps he's brooding on the fact that there were/are lives that he couldn't/can't save.

Either way he's a great character and an admirable superhero.
Hey Jenna! I think his upcoming book will be an interesting read. He says he doens't have a training program in it....but.....sounds like he does make a lot of suggestions...hmmmmm

Seriously.. I would give that a go!

.. well, long as it does not necessitate the employment of a butler to repair one's costume in the event of punctures or tears ;)

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Could someone, given the money and other resources along with the drive and will, and reasonable endowment of natural talent, acquire the skills and equipment of the Batman? Sure. But his career would be very shortlived. First, he'd probably be crippled by the end of the first year, just through the day to day injuries piling up. Or his actions would be sporadic; he'd have a fight, then end up needing a few weeks to recover. A bad swing, and a dislocated shoulder lays him up. Land on a banana peel, and pop goes the ACL... Look how many athletes are injured just through routine games and practices...

Then there's the whole legal issue... Most of his "arrests" would be released immediately -- AS VICTIMS of false arrest or assault... Vigilantism is a tempting thing -- doesn't tend to work well in reality!
Then there's the whole legal issue... Most of his "arrests" would be released immediately -- AS VICTIMS of false arrest or assault... Vigilantism is a tempting thing -- doesn't tend to work well in reality!
Hey there jks9199 :) What you said is true.. or is it? See, I been cleaning up the streets round my way for years from rooftop to rooftop and no one ever suspected a thing ;)

Ah, just jokin my friend :) You are right and have made very valid points..
Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
Of course in the imagined world of Gotham and our illustrious hero the police are wholly cooperative of our Dark Knight and willingly take his "prisoners" for the greater good.
Funny thing, it would be difficult to call what he does vigilantism anymore because of that since the police accept whatever criminal he turns in as suspects in this or that crime. He has already avenged his parent's murder hasn't he? Seen that Jack Napier aka Joker been jailed and institutionalized (of course the Joker always manages to escape now and again... just to keep things interesting), thus justice (?) has been served?
Heh. Turns out I'm working on a script that addresses some of these issues :)

I don't want to say much more until I have a least a rough draft and copyright.

We plan on trying to produce this film locally in the near future.

(Shamless plug: check out
to see what we were capable of doing in 48 hours. Any of you who are located near enough to the Missouri Bootheel who would like come for some weekends and be part of the project, let me know :) )
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What if Batman was more of a bounty-hunter? How would that work? Of course, he wouldn't need the bounty, and would probably turn down the reward. Bounty hunters are still useful to police now, or are they?
What if Batman was more of a bounty-hunter? How would that work? Of course, he wouldn't need the bounty, and would probably turn down the reward. Bounty hunters are still useful to police now, or are they?
Either that or he can be a window washer... :uhyeah:


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What if Batman was more of a bounty-hunter? How would that work? Of course, he wouldn't need the bounty, and would probably turn down the reward. Bounty hunters are still useful to police now, or are they?
Bounty hunters are generally a pain in the *** for cops. They show up, claim to have paper, but can't prove it, and want someone taken into custody. Or they show up, and proceed to create a FUBAR like nobody's business over some guy who skipped on a bad check bail... There aren't that many "bounties" on people who haven't skipped out on a bonded court appearance.

Bail enforcement agents, when they're professional, do serve a valid purpose. But too many model themselves after Dog... who couldn't work in a lot of states.
Bounty hunters are generally a pain in the *** for cops. They show up, claim to have paper, but can't prove it, and want someone taken into custody. Or they show up, and proceed to create a FUBAR like nobody's business over some guy who skipped on a bad check bail... There aren't that many "bounties" on people who haven't skipped out on a bonded court appearance.

Bail enforcement agents, when they're professional, do serve a valid purpose. But too many model themselves after Dog... who couldn't work in a lot of states.
If I knew Dawg was after me I'd relax... but if it was Domino... I'd be shaking.

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