Continue from brown?


Yellow Belt
Feb 19, 2012
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
So, back in Texas I learned TaeKwonDo from Ishmael Robles, great teacher and a great school! <---- Really has nothing to do with what I am about to ask. So I made it to brown and then moved here to Vegas. 13 years later I decide I want to do martial arts again. If I decide to go back to TKD do I start from brown and just re-learn everything that I had learned before or do I start over from the beginning?
I would start from white again. After even a short break, your brain feels like you can still do it, but your body says no. Stuff like co-ordination, timing, distancing, stamina and flexibility all go. There's nothing to gain from looking mediocre for your grade, and everything to gain from starting again and reinforcing the whole syllabus, giving your body a chance to get back into the swing of things with the lighter techs first. You'll progress very quickly though.
Start fresh.

Look at it like this:
You are not going to get worse, by going back to the start.
It is literally impossible.

You only stand to gain by not jumping ahead.
I would (and did) start over. It's better for people to see you and think you're underranked than over.
I started over and recommend it. Your past experience will help you learn more quickly than the true beginners. Good luck!
Nothing is as bad as being the high rank in class and huffing and puffing! :)

Considering that hardly 2 schools follow the same path, things are likely very different from what you remember.
i had a break from 85-97, but i went back to the same instructor, and i still knew all my TKD stuff from before.(plus i had spent the time inbetween earning bb in another art so it wasnt a total break)
I restarted over at white when I started back up myself and whole-heartedly recommend it. I had a 17 year long layoff and it showed, but to piggy back off of what others have stated on here, being that you have experience the material will come back easier for you.
Nothing at all wrong with starting again at white belt, and I would encourage it. Don't worry about the color of cloth around your waist, instead concentrate on getting the most out of each and every level. Train for the training so-to-speak. In the long run you'll be the better for it.

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