Congratulations TO Martial Talk

Bob Hubbard said:
Cool....though, I think we have more traffic than martialinfo. I'd love to know how they determined that standing. :)
Martialinfo seems to be down right now anyway.. ??

Congrats to Bob & Everyone!! In my book MT is already #1, but let's try even harder in 2005!

Gin-Gin :asian:
Hey! This kind of news make all of us
with joy!!!!

Congratulations, Bob!!

- Ceicei
It seems kind of odd to me that the underground at MMA.TV did not make the list. In regards to the number of posts I think they are in a hole other league.
There were several lists in there, based on catagory. I think for the MMA group Sherdog took the #1 spot for example. I don't really consider them 'competition' as we're a general, and they are specialized. :)
Gotcha. That makes sense. Sherdog is pretty much a MMA site. I would argue that the Underground is more of a general site though. They seem to have a forum catagory for just about everything. There is of course a slant towards MMA but in that regard I would say that MartialTalk has a slant towards kenpo.

****Edited to add that I am not arguing against MartialTalk being on the List. I realy do like it here.****
Kenpo and Modern Arnis actually, though Ninjutsu and the Korean arts are on an upswing now. :)
No one told me about an uprising. When were you planning to rally the troops? The insurgents must be put down.

As someone who has been around this site for a while I would like to say that Martial Talk really shows no preference to any particular style. Instead they have let the members dictate the direction of the discussions, and almost al of the staff have been recruited from its memberships. I know in the beginning there were a few who realy wanted this place to be predominantly Modern Arnis, but that changed pretty quickly once the Kenpoist found the place and liked it.