Combat Ki insane video


Orange Belt
May 12, 2006
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I found this video in youtube and honestly I don't know what to make of it. It's not the first time I've seen these guys (I've already seen them in a martial arts documentary) and, unless it's a trick, it's bloody amasing!

Does anybody here does this martial art? Is it for real?
What's the theory behind it? And how the hell do you train geting kicked in the "family jewels"??
Yeah, I saw a complete program of a Combat Ki seminar while on the road last year and it is REAL scary...The "family jewels" is a bad place to be kicked but it's the punch to the throat that really scares me... do you get started in this training? Walk in to the school one day and the instructor kicks you in the jewels? Or maybe kicks you in the throat.

I think I would be one of the 99 people that left too!!!

Or maybe they just don't hit as hard the first few times and build up to it.....but even so, I'm not going to willing let someone hit me like that! Although it would be a cool party trick.
Yeah, I've seen that before ... pretty amazing, I can't imagine. Well, if true, and it seems to be, I'd hate to meet up with one of these guys. What's left? The eyes, knees, joint locks, bone breaks? They certainly would limit your offensive weapons. Can they withstand submissions?

If nothing else, it is interesting.
Application of correct body alignment with already set parameters for what will happen and how it will happen is all you're seeing. Notice not one attack is spontaneous - even the blindfolded one has a countdown from 1-3. I'd wager all of us could resist something we know is coming to some degree. Like anything - practice makes better. :) Not that I'd even start working with this type of training, for the record. Try putting these guys in a spontaneous situation, I'd wager the game changes a bit.
Application of correct body alignment with already set parameters for what will happen and how it will happen is all you're seeing. Notice not one attack is spontaneous - even the blindfolded one has a countdown from 1-3. I'd wager all of us could resist something we know is coming to some degree. Like anything - practice makes better. :) Not that I'd even start working with this type of training, for the record. Try putting these guys in a spontaneous situation, I'd wager the game changes a bit.

Yes the game would change just a bit.
Not to mention all of those areas can take lots of damage if trained properly. Notice on the groin shots that they tilt the pelvis forward therefore the strike hits the tensed buttocks and not the testicles.
Lots and lots of tricks in the martial arts and not all seem exactly what they truly are.
I saw a documentary on this "martial art" a few years back. Part of it was showing what I would guess was a black belt test of one of the female students. At one point she passed out durring the test. Ki or no, this stuff can't be good for you.
I saw a documentary on this "martial art" a few years back. Part of it was showing what I would guess was a black belt test of one of the female students. At one point she passed out durring the test. Ki or no, this stuff can't be good for you.

Yes I saw that as well.

To the Origional poster look around on MartialTalk and the internet for threads regarding Combat Ki and Rod Sarchonosky this will really help you see what this is all about.
One question, 20 years from now when these guys can't breath well or have throat issues, or have not been able to have childern, do you think they will look back on this and wonder?
I've seen a few documentarys that showed these guys and all I can ask myself is WHY?

I would much rather block, counter, evade, preempt ect.... than ever take any hits like that.

Funny, I have never seen anything on their technique or MA skills other than taking a hit. How are they skill-wise? I wonder if they have a high instance of fertility problems.....? :btg: I'm curious if anyone has any live hands on experience with these guys?

I was looking for more stuff about this style, did a search to see if we had a MT member that praticed this but no such luck. But outside MT I found some interessing stuff.

In some sites Rod Sacharnoski (the founder of Juko Kai or some times called Combat Ki) is described as a fake, just take a look at this site:

And in others... Rod Sacharnoski - Juko Kai International.htm

I tried to take a look at a Juko Kai forum but for some reason you need to be a member even if it's just to read the threads and when you are registing they ask for the name of your Juko Kai school and instructor.

I also found this on youtube, you don't learn much from it but it's good for a few laughs.

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I wonder a couple of things...

1_ How they would react Vs joint locks?
2_ Instead of a punch on the throat how they would react Vs a single finger hitting the right spot (you, not the Adam's Apple where the damage is minor).
3_ How they would do Vs pressure point techniques?
I saw a quote on these guys, that was attributed to Ed Parker that went something like: "what if these guys spent that time and energy on training to avoid getting hit?"
Hello, If it is too good to be true? Than ask how come it does not work in the street, in a real fight?

If KI was that come only these guys can do it? Does this means the old masters NEVER learn proper KI to take blows?

IF it did work for the streets? Wouldn't the Police,FBI,Military, and other law enforcement agencies would have in there training programs?

Things like this would not remain quite? Yes some people in this world can take blows. This was a show/entertainment?

In china...they do these demostrations too! ....NOT for everyone?

KI has been tested...some are really amazing..others can be walking on fire!

Your choice on what you want to believe? If it was true? would it remain a secret? Illusions and Magic is amazing too!

Just my thoughts on this? " Hey" anyone saw my Alien friend (wears a silver space suit w/ a green tie? If found tell him I am looking for him?

Wanted to learn Alien martial arts- Key training? ..............Aloha
Yes the game would change just a bit.
Not to mention all of those areas can take lots of damage if trained properly. Notice on the groin shots that they tilt the pelvis forward therefore the strike hits the tensed buttocks and not the testicles.
Lots and lots of tricks in the martial arts and not all seem exactly what they truly are.

I saw the same thing with the kicks and strikes the pelvic regen.

The throat is about tightening up and preparing for it. (* As others have said *).

Now there are always those out there who can just do the wierdest things. I just see something else here. But that is my opinion from the video.
I saw a documentary on this "martial art" a few years back. Part of it was showing what I would guess was a black belt test of one of the female students. At one point she passed out durring the test. Ki or no, this stuff can't be good for you.

That's the one I saw...Scary....