College prof.: How to destroy non-union businesses


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
this article with the embedded video of the professor teaching students how to destroy non-union businesses is another example of your tax dollars at work. Why learn shakespeare when you can destroy the lifes work of someone else.

From the article:

While University of Missouri – Kansas City Professor Judy Ancel has yet to explain her false and misleading defense of classroom statements suggesting violence is an acceptable tactic with an appropriate place in advancing the labor movement, new video reveals Ancel giving students insight into how to put non-union companies out of business. The tactic Ancel recommends to students is based upon deception and designed to burden a non-union company with a costly labor action under false pretenses.

Ancel uses the word, “salt” in relating the tactic. In union terminology, that would supposedly be an individual who goes to work at a company with the intent to organize a union. However, that is not the goal Ancel embraces, as the video makes clear. She informs students how one can use so-called salts to put a non-union company out of business entirely.
While demonstrating no concern at all for non-union employees and business owners certain to face financial hardship as a result of the deceptive tactic Ancel endorses to her class, she calls it “useful,” going on to cackle while pointing out how the tactic is largely frowned upon by the public, a majority of which is comprised of non-union taxpayers who actually pay Ancel’s salary given her employment at a public university.
...a majority of which is comprised of non-union taxpayers who actually pay Ancel’s salary given her employment at a public university.

About 10% of her salary, if U. Missouri is like the rest of the public university system.
suggesting violence is an acceptable tactic with an appropriate place in advancing the labor movement

In point of fact, there was a time when it was not only acceptable, but absolutely necessary. Those days are long past, I think, but let's not pretend its not part of their force continuum.
I'm willing to foot my part of 10% of the salaries of the higher ed teachers in my state.

Unless she spends 91% or more of her time doing stuff I disapprove of.....:mst:
oh 10% is perfectly acceptable then isn't it?

Being accurate is acceptable, especially when any criticism of college profs is accompanied by the claim that the taxpayers pay their salaries. In point of fact, the taxpayers pay very little of their salaries, and in the case of the sciences and many other professors, the taxpayers pay nothing at all.
As usual I am slow on only one pot of coffee....

What's the point?

It stands to reason that most of her graduates will also end up in a non-union shop at the end of the day.

The technique is out there, but since it's nefarious we don't speak about it?

I mean: Every student enrolled in IT courses involving programming will receive training on how to write viruses. Full Stop.

because you must know what you are dealing with if you hope to stand a chance defending against it.

Even the dullest hammer in the sack ought to know that unions are a two edged sword.
Without them we'd still be digging coal with pick axes and ponies.
With them, well, you know...
My computer is playing up and I can't see the video. What subject is she teaching? Is what she is reported saying taken out of context? I find it hard to believe it's a random lesson in how to ruin non union workplaces, there must be a context.

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