cities going bankrupt


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
What if they were all run by Republicans? Would that change your views in the slightest? If not, then perhaps you should ask what the point is of even looking.
It would change my views. As a conservative I vote republican because they are the lesser of two evils, but not by much.
It would change my views. As a conservative I vote republican because they are the lesser of two evils, but not by much.

Several on your list are indeed Republicans. I did check a few of them out - it looked like about 1/3 Republicans and 2/3 Democrats, couple of Independents - who used to be Republicans.

I don't think political affiliation of city mayors has much to do with their current financial woes.

EDIT: I wanted to add, though, that I find your posts offensive. You throw out accusations and innuendo, but don't bother to do the homework yourself. I could as easily say "Gee, I wonder who the dirtbags who shoot up schools are? Could they all be Republicans? Inquiring minds want to know!" To do so would infer that kids who shoot up schools are Republicans (without proving it) and that their affiliation (even if true) was the cause of their deciding to shoot up schools.

It's an ugly way to speak, and I can't imagine how vile your mind must be.
It would change my views. As a conservative I vote republican because they are the lesser of two evils, but not by much.

-So what you're really saying is you don't like liberals, or anything on the left, and Rush is God? Cause, thats all I ever read out of your posts. Loyalty is an admirable quality but your obsession with a political side is concerning. I would say that say of anyone who leaned that far to the left. I tend to think of most Americans as actually being middle of the road, just leaning a little this way, and a little that way, depending on the subject.

-But as a poster on MT, if you're looking to start conversations with people, you may want to temper things a bit.

bill mattocks you may want to skip this, This article is about the states in the worst financial situation, guess which political party is in charge of a lot of them.

It's not the information provided that I object to, it's the bomb-throwing without doing your own homework. Showing up late to the party you started with some facts doesn't impress me. It's not the conclusion I object to - it's you. As a conservative, I find your approach reprehensible and a good example of one of the reasons we can't get anything done in this country anymore; because it's not about finding problems and fixing them, it's about blaming the 'other side' for how we got here. It's all about how much mud you can hurl, how much pain you can inflict on what you see as the enemy.

Tired of it. Really tired. The day before the celebration of the birth of our Lord, and all you have to offer is how terrible political foes are, foes who are also countrymen and perhaps even fellow Christians. Sweet. Merry Christmas.
Bill mattocks, I wish you, John Mccain and lindsey Graham, Susan Collins and the others a Merry Christmas.
-You left out President Barack Obama and his family. Surely you would wish them a Merry Christmas...
