" Chinese Wrestling "

Which is what makes wrestling the superior method in general. Judo certainly has its place, and when done well, it is glorious to behold. However, if we're talking about competition and self defense, I simply have to give the edge to wrestling. It's FAR more intuitive and versatile.

Well if we're talking self-defense, turning your back to someone while performing a sholder throw or a hip toss is a good way to get shanked. Even if they're unarmed, heaven help you if your throw fails.

Just saying.
I don't think he has any idea. That's why I discount Judo. His is all Judo. He step into the octagon and he'll find out really fast.
Just go audition in UFC, you can even get in, then we can talk more. Quit the catching fish with bare hand.
Go fight in UFC!!! Why are you keep talking? Go!!! Go win a fight in UFC!!!
You go fight in UFC. I send my guys to fight in Sanda.

Yeah, I mean parents would encourage their offspring to stay in school, learn the whole system, not just one third of it.

I studied old-school GJJ for a long time. That old Judo stand-up is in there, but the difference is that the grips are more based around using the body's natural handles instead of utilizing grips from the jacket. I believe that's a relic of Maeda's fights with catch wrestlers, boxers and the like, and being forced to modify Judo to compensate.

There's also some self-defense stuff that seems to be rom turn-of-the-century Jiujitsu and also some interesting hybrid stuff that clearly came from older Judo kata.

With that said, a lot of that is being lost due to the embrace of wrestling. Especially Eastern European-style wrestling, since it blends so well with the modern ground game.
His is all Judo. He step into the octagon and he'll find out really fast.
If you are talking about me. I don't know any Judo.

As a Chinese, you don't even know the difference between Shuai Chiao and Judo.

I don't know why, but you have so much "hate" against non-MMA person.

A: I train CMA.
X: You need to fight in UFC.
B: I train Karate.
X: You need to fight in UFC.
C: I train TKD.
X: You need to fight in UFC.
D: I train MMA.
X: You are good.
E: I train BJJ.
X: You are good.

When all those non-MMA people kill themselves, the world will only have the people that you like.
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Because under judo rules, leg locks are not allowed EXCEPT in kata.
Funny thing man, because I learned leg locks in Judo. Wasn't taught them, figured it out myself, during newaza practice.

30 years later somebody tried to convince me BJJ invented them.

Yeh, but that chapter is going to whoop his butt.
I think you are missing the point because you see wrestling and Judo as 2 separate things. There are different systems of wrestling but a the root is all wrestling.

BAN me, I don't care, this is the kind of mentality that put CMA behind and put us CHinese in shame for being so behind and keep getting our butts kicked instead of be HUMBLE and LEARN.
Not sure why what you said would get you Banned.

I don't care, this is the kind of mentality that put CMA behind and put us CHinese in shame for being so behind and keep getting our butts kicked instead of be HUMBLE and LEARN.
There are a lot of people who train CMA who aren't Chinese.

The worst is keep making EXCUSES. Go win a fight. Don't get your butt kicked
Yeah I'm not sure what excuses you are talking about. I showed my MMA sparring partner a technique and I used it against it in sparring. He was testing it out to see if it would work. It did. After sparring we had a big laugh about it because we both knew what just happened and that I tried to get him to grab my wrist again. He never did while I was in that stance.

I'm very straight forward with all of my sparring partners. He has out done me in all instances where we went to the ground. I made no excuse and told him that I would get the best of him one day and that I'll do it without BJJ. I really do think you are traumatized about your CMA experience and as a result you can't see that there are people who train CMA and they are the opposite of what you claim.
If you are talking about me. I don't know any Judo.

As a Chinese, you don't even know the difference between Shuai Chiao and Judo.

I don't know why, but you have so much "hate" against non-MMA person.

A: I train CMA.
X: You need to fight in UFC.
B: I train Karate.
X: You need to fight in UFC.
C: I train TKD.
X: You need to fight in UFC.
D: I train MMA.
X: You are good.
E: I train BJJ.
X: You are good.

When all those non-MMA people kill themselves, the world will only have the people that you like.
Why is the UFC afforded this high praise? Why is it superior to other full contact MMA contests?
Go win a fight. Don't get your butt kicked. It's a laughing stalk now.
I would never hurt someone for the sake of proving you or anyone else wrong. That's not an excuse because I would be more than willing to fight someone who wants me to prove that CMA works.

It's not an excuse. I'm just not going to beat on someone for your benefit. I think others may feel the same way even if they don't do CMA.
Those techniques are banned in Judo randori and competition.
Ohhhhhh. Some I can understand but some others make me wonder why the ban. It would only improve ones skills to defend against it.. As much as I don't like ground fighting, my skills won't decrease because I'm defending agait. Is it a sports issue or a safety issue that they banned it?
It's funny and so common when anyone challenge those CMA people, first thing they come back is to say how about you, can you fight, proof. It's like one has to be good enough to qualify to have an opinion!!! How about see the one that lie on the stage!!! You can find so many videos and it really becomes the butt of the joke now.

All the talk day in and day out, who's the one need to proof? 30 years, nobody DARE to go into the octagon.......of cage of other MMA competition. It is NOT a Chinese thing, there are Chinese doing MMA and do very well because they learn. I am so proud of them.
It's funny and so common when anyone challenge those CMA people, first thing they come back is to say how about you, can you fight, proof.
This is normal. If I told drop bear that he couldn't fight, then I would expect him to ask the same of me or challenge me.

. It's like one has to be good enough to qualify to have an opinion!!!
But when some one shares their thoughts you tell them talk is cheap . Where I come from "Talk is Cheap" means you want to fight me and prove that I can't fight. It doesn't mean I go fight someone else to show you that I can fight.
This is normal. If I told drop bear that he couldn't fight, then I would expect him to ask the same of me or challenge me.

But when some one shares their thoughts you tell them talk is cheap . Where I come from "Talk is Cheap" means you want to fight me and prove that I can't fight. It doesn't mean I go fight someone else to show you that I can fight.
So anyone that cannot fight you is not qualify to talk and criticize you? That is so CMA. This is shutting people up by INTIMIDATION.

World changed, everything is video taped. It is so easy to see who's winning and who's losing in a fight. Just simple as who's on the floor.

Funny China censor Xu Xiaodone because he beat up those CMA masters. So typical. Xu is not even that good, he can't even get into MMA competition.
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So anyone that cannot fight you is not qualify to talk and criticize you? That is so CMA.
You can talk all you want to me. I know what I can and can't do. I don't have any problems talking about my limitations and my abilities. I often do so on the forum. Just know that your mouth can get you into trouble. Say the same to someone on the street and that "talk is cheap" and you may find someone giving you a beat down. Not everyone follows the law.

As for your criticism. You are the only one that says stuff like that. Other people I've sparred with and have had conflicts with think higher of my skill set.

You have never sparred with me nor have you talked to people I spar with. So you don't know.
So anyone that cannot fight you is not qualify to talk and criticize you?
How about this?

A: You need to share your money with the poor.
B: Why don't you do that first?
A: I don't have money to share.
B: So you ask others to share money with the poor, but you are not willing to do it yourself?
A: Are you saying that a person has no money who has no right to talk about "sharing money with the poor"?
B: It's correct according my logic.
How about this?

A: You need to share your money with the poor.
B: Why don't you do that first?
A: I don't have money to share.
B: So you ask others to share money with the poor, but you are not willing to do it yourself?
A: Are you saying that a person has no money who has no right to talk about "sharing money with the poor"?
B: It's correct according my logic.
Whatever you say, It's not my style that people joke about. There are enough joke around. Sad that CMA refuse to listen and resort to imtimidation. It's a lost for China where Chinese are doing so well in a lot of other area other than this.

You believe what you want, I look at the result. There are Chinese very good in MMA and make it to prime time.................. Been 30 years since Gracie, 50 years since Bruce Lee................ Still.............
This is what a lot of people don't get.

Chinese invented modern warfare. Their magic is the darkest. Basic Sun Tzu.

I just watched Backdraft again. And a little Overboard. So I'm in this mood.

If people read sun tzu. 90% of it is deceit. When it comes to war/fighting, you have to know how to deceive your opponent, otherwise no matter how much more powerful you are, they can deceive you and win.