Child Porn Investigated By Pentagon


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Now this is just messed up. Wonder how this is going to turn out?

DCIS came up with 264 active-duty and reserve military members, civilian employees and contractors on the list, including more than 70 with security clearances and 22 with Top Secret clearances. Among them were a contractor for the super-secretive [COLOR=#366388 ! important][COLOR=#366388 ! important]National [COLOR=#366388 ! important]Security [/COLOR][COLOR=#366388 ! important]Agency[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR], a staffer in Defense Secretary Robert Gates' office, and a program manager for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. But DCIS only opened investigations into 52 of the names, according to investigative documents obtained by The Upshot under the Freedom of Information Act, and only 10 were ever charged. According to the documents, the project was closed in 2008 "due to the need to focus more resources on other DCIS investigative priorities." DCIS is primarily concerned with contractor fraud, and generally doesn't pursue [COLOR=#366388 ! important][COLOR=#366388 ! important]child [COLOR=#366388 ! important]pornography [/COLOR][COLOR=#366388 ! important]cases[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR].
IMO none of those cases should've been dropped from the investigation... for whatever reason. After all this time how much damage has been done?


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Par for the course. It takes some sick dudes to spray radioactive waste all over cities, torture kids in front of their parents, and not even blink when a thousand people die. I read about this and was like yeah, I feel really patriotic now.

Check out the Franklin Cover up. It's linked to that probably.

Also, no doubt the MIC needs compromised people. This gets people to shut their mouths for black ops.
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Master Black Belt
Mar 10, 2009
Reaction score
Sapporo, Japan
Par for the course. It takes some sick dudes to spray radioactive waste all over cities, torture kids in front of their parents, and not even blink when a thousand people die. I read about this and was like yeah, I feel really patriotic now.

Check out the Franklin Cover up. It's linked to that probably.

Also, no doubt the MIC needs compromised people. This gets people to shut their mouths for black ops.

Actually no, the "MIC" doesn`t need compromised people in it`s ranks. Quite the opposite. Having those kinds of skelatons in your closet makes you more likely to be compromised by some outside source so that you can be forced into supplying information etc to outside sources. That`s why they check people out before they give them a security clearance, and if there`s anything to any of these charges (conviction or not is beside the point) these people will more than likely lose thier clearance and thus thier jobs at the least.

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