Chen Taijiquan Xinjia Erlu

thanks, xue sheng!
i have heard that this form is fighting style.
but i can't watch it right now in my office.
i will see it later.
thanks for your share again
Excellent!!! Thank you for posting this, Xue Sheng. This definitely has Chen Yu's stamp on it. Very powerful...
Last summer a few blocks from Canal St. in NYC I saw an older man doing a style similar to this in one of the concrete parks. He wasn't moving as fast but his movements had nearly just as much power behind them. I asked him what style and in his broken English he only said "this is tai chi".
Fajin brought to you by Chen Yu

Chen Yu

That was really cool. It was neijia, and taiji in particular, at both its most fundamental and most cultivated levels.

It was like watching a tree or a mountain come to life and start hitting things. His root and his balance are astonishing and, thus, his fajin is astonishing.

Its always nice to see that people like Chen don't just talk the talk, but also walk the walk.
Agreed. Quite superb. And well put Steel Tiger. How can you call it Taijji if your not producing and delivering energies like this?

Very best wishes
That was really cool. It was neijia, and taiji in particular, at both its most fundamental and most cultivated levels.

It was like watching a tree or a mountain come to life and start hitting things. His root and his balance are astonishing and, thus, his fajin is astonishing.

Its always nice to see that people like Chen don't just talk the talk, but also walk the walk.

Chen Yu comes form a pretty solid Chen line that proved itself more than once. His Grandfather was Chen Fake and his father was Chen Zhaokui.