Chen Style in London?

I have my concerns with the statement "Tai Chi Chuan Chen style as advanced level martial art training." Actually no more so than any other style of real Tai Chi training, just a bit differen and from the first Tai Chi family.

Pupil of Chen XiaoWang

I would look for people that can show a direct connection to the Chen Family. I tend to not be big on lineage, but in the case of Chen I would look for a definite family connection if possible.

There are students of both Chen Xiaowang and Chen Zhenglei in England I am just not sure where at this moment. Check that is Chen Zenglei's website maybe you can find more info there.
Actually I think Wang Haijun has a student near me in "New England" (not old England) and he may show up there for seminars as well but that helps little if you are looking for Chen in London.

But to my real reasons for posting again;

Since Chen is currently not as popular as Yang, by a long shot, I recommend trying to get as close to the family root as possible. And doing that is fairly easy since it is not as popular. If the person you want to train with in Chen cannot link to the family, within 1 or 2 generations, it does not mean he is bad, but I would be asking a lot of questions. In staying close to the family in Chen you are more likely to get at least the true internal and push hands side as well.

From what I understand Xiaowang is not as big on martial applications as Zhenglei when it comes to seminars but I do not know this from experience, although both are rather competent Martial artists.

Now, I went through the site you posted again and some things make me nervous as to how it would apply to real Chen Tai Chi and the validity of the training

1st this “Tai Chi Chuan Chen style at three levels “

2nd, Level 1 - For beginners as health-improving gymnastics,

3rd, Level 2 - Advanced students as a sport wrestling,

4th, Level 3 - For dancers, choreographers and actors as an additional movement training.

And 5th "relaxation methods based on Tai Chi Qigong and Dance Movement therapy"

To be honest Chen is very much a martial art that has the side benefit of good health if done correctly. It is pretty much not dance, not gymnastics and not wrestling.

Also there is a statement made that Leng Shuguang was a disciple of Chen Zhaokui and to my knowledge Chen Zhaokui had no disciples. Nor can I find him listed anywhere as a student of Zhaokui, but that means little because Zhaokui had a whole lot of students and not all are listed. But if Leng where an actual disciple he would most certainly be listed somewhere.

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