Check Out This Fight Caught On a Gasoline Stations CCTV!

Can anyone tell what the large object being used as a weapon is? It doesn't look like a bat. Is it a plank of wood?
What I found odd is that for 2 high level mma fighters, their skills were not that good. Now I know they were screwed from the start but, im basing this off the very first exchange. When they were packed in tight in the store and they are staring face to face. They guy to the left throws the first punch and our mma hero's didn't even try to defend it, nor did hey throw any effective punchs at the third guy who charged at him throwing haymakers. Honestly Its videos like this that make me questions why people hold mma strikers in such high regard..

Then they made the biggest mistake of his now shattered life, not retreating when he had the opportunity when he made it outside...

Cyricus I don't care the circumstances, there is no excuse to hit a female. She was not a clear and present danger to him, she did not strike him first. I don't care what foul vitriol she was saying. He got what he deserved.
What I found odd is that for 2 high level mma fighters, their skills were not that good. Now I know they were screwed from the start but, im basing this off the very first exchange. When they were packed in tight in the store and they are staring face to face. They guy to the left throws the first punch and our mma hero's didn't even try to defend it, nor did hey throw any effective punchs at the third guy who charged at him throwing haymakers. Honestly Its videos like this that make me questions why people hold mma strikers in such high regard..

Then they made the biggest mistake of his now shattered life, not retreating when he had the opportunity when he made it outside...

Cyricus I don't care the circumstances, there is no excuse to hit a female. She was not a clear and present danger to him, she did not strike him first. I don't care what foul vitriol she was saying. He got what he deserved.

Feel free to just ignore the first paragraph. That part of the topic is rooted in opinion anyway, and we could discuss it until one of us got bored.

Im not trying to justify what he did, mate. But next time you barely touch someone, feel free to go ram your head into a wall until youre in hospital for your inexcusable offense. :)
I bumped into a girl on a crowded street yesterday afternoon because i was in a hurry. I guess i didnt have any excuse and deserve to be punished regardless of the circumstances? I guess it must have been intentional. No other factors could possibly contribute. And this MMA guy couldnt possibly have been drunk...

Anyhow - Fighting while concussed is very different to fighting in an arena, and fighting off of a state of surprise is different to fighting when youve had time to mentally and physically prepare. He was taken by surprise, hit hard, and defaulted to the same thing everyone does under those circumstances. Trust me on this though: You rarely see the first punch coming. You notice it either when its too late or after it hits you. Thats why its called a sucker punch.

If his adrenalin was up, hed have tunnel vision. Amplify the effect of not seeing the strike coming. He looks drunk to me. Amplify the effect of not having time to react.

Dont underestimate MMA strikers. Look at it as the difference between an actual physical engagement and self defense, where the timing, speed, aggression, and pretty much everything else is incomparable.
Cy from what it looks like it looks like a slap to me. I know that It is a small low powered tap but were im from, that's a recipe for a butt stomping from all males around.. People around here are different.

I agree with everything else you said tho.
Cy from what it looks like it looks like a slap to me. I know that It is a small low powered tap but were im from, that's a recipe for a butt stomping from all males around.. People around here are different.

I agree with everything else you said tho.

This may be a cultural thing, come to think of it. A slap to me is a swing with some strength behind it. What he did was more like a jab with his fingertips rather than a hit/slap. The standards may be different in other parts of the world.

Then even more personally, around here a slap is an intimidation thing rather than an insult. I.e., slapping someone whilst threatening him, slapping them again, grabbing them and shoving them back, etc etc macho stuff.
The guy deserved to go to jail, not the hospital.

He was wrong for his assault and the gang that mauled him were definitely wrong for what they did.

As far as an assessment of skill, I don't see how any of us could judge anything based on the limited view we have of what is going on. Self-defense training and competition training are so different, it's like apples and oranges. I have my own ideas of what I believe he could have done of course, but it's all too easy to say that when we aren't the ones caught up in the emotion of the confrontation.
Dana White confirms Maiquel Falcao's 2011 UFC release due to assaulting woman

by John Morgan on Jul 11, 2013 at 12:10 am ET
UFC President Dana White has seen the gruesome video that shows MMA fighters Kaue Mena (7-0) and Maiquel Falcao (31-6 MMA, 3-1 BFC) savagely beaten, and he's as disgusted as anyone at the brutal attack. But he admits he's not completely surprised that Falcao appears to be at least partially responsible for igniting the incident.

"This whole situation is really unfortunate," White told ( "All you can do is just hope Kaue Mena's health continues to improve. But I have to be honest and tell you it really bugs me that it's being reported that Maiquel Falcao is a UFC fighter. We let him go back in 2011 for the same reason. We found out he had a charge on his record for hitting a woman, and we cut him because of that."

According to a news report from a Brazilian TV station Band Santa Catarina, Falcao and Mena were at a gas station this past Saturday when Falcao apparently got into an argument with a pair of women, one of whom he pushed away. A group of men then came into the store and began fighting with the two, and the violence spilled outside. Surveillance video shows a man hitting them with a piece of wood, and Mena falls to the ground after being knocked out by a blow. The men then punch and kick him repeatedly as he lies defenseless, and one returns a few moments later to deliver another kick to his head.

Both Falcao and Mena were rescued and taken to a local hospital. Falcao was treated for his injuries and released, while Mena was put in the intensive care unit at Hospital do Coracao in Balneario Camboriu, Santa Catarina, where he remains, according to the report.

Both men have since been kicked off the Renovacao Fight Team in Balneario Camboriu, Santa Catarina, Brazil, by head coach Marcelo Brigadeiro, who said the fighters' behavior was not compatible with his team's philosophy.

Falcao fought just once for the UFC, earning a November 2010 decision win over Gerald Harris. Shortly after, he was arrested in his native Brazil for a charges stemming from a 2002 incident that saw a woman injured during a clash between two groups, one of which included Falcao.

Bellator MMA officials have yet to issue an official statement, but White wants to make it crystal clear that he does not support the type of behavior that ultimately led to the brawl, and it's precisely why Falcao was only given one chance in the UFC.

"We don't want anything to do with men who punch women," White said. "When the UFC found out Maiquel had a charge against him that involved women, we immediately cut him from the roster. Bellator/Viacom MMA then picked him up a few months later, and he's been fighting for them ever since.

"The UFC does not and will not ever tolerate situations like this. Sexual assault, hitting a woman or anything like that, you're gone from the roster. It doesn't matter if you're a winner or a champion or anything like that. You're gone. Keep your hands off women."
What I found odd is that for 2 high level mma fighters, their skills were not that good. Now I know they were screwed from the start but, im basing this off the very first exchange. When they were packed in tight in the store and they are staring face to face. They guy to the left throws the first punch and our mma hero's didn't even try to defend it, nor did hey throw any effective punchs at the third guy who charged at him throwing haymakers. Honestly Its videos like this that make me questions why people hold mma strikers in such high regard..

Then they made the biggest mistake of his now shattered life, not retreating when he had the opportunity when he made it outside...

Cyricus I don't care the circumstances, there is no excuse to hit a female. She was not a clear and present danger to him, she did not strike him first. I don't care what foul vitriol she was saying. He got what he deserved.
It seems Falcao's main style is not strike fighting, howevevr, having done some muay thai he should know how to block/strike; I think the shockingly poor hand skills in the store are probably mainly due to being half inebriated. This may also go some way to why when outside but relatively in the clear, ie not swamped under a mass, they did not leg it. And Mena seemed to not block or try to evade the 2x2" coming at him - hard to see from footage but it did not seem to be a "king-hit/sucker hit" completely out of blidside or from the rear. Although given the egos involved, maybe even if sober they would have elected not to have legged it, who knows?? I am not saying that stone cold sober two good fighters against a whole group with weapons would fair any better if they chose to stay in the fight but there were several opportunities were a sensible/less than moronic chap could have gone for an escape.

Kframe - do you really think this guy deserves death or being a human cabbage for rest of his life for his mate taking a pathetic swat at this girl after bumping up against her? Maybe, in a bunch of immature individuals, a knock out punch at most but surely not mulitple kicks to head when out cold - do you really think this??

If I was in the store with my girl and it was her, I admit I would confront the guy and say chill out bud and that may lead to some fists thrown, or not, so be it. I would like to think if my girl came out of a store and said, "some jerk just swatted my hair", I would say "you okay?" and if she was, to just blow it off, or call the cops and let them deal, with CCTV everywhere going back into a store like that leaves you no self defense mitigation at law. It strikes me this girl was not in any danger and was not really humiliated or abused and there was therefore no justifiable SD action required, ie hauling into the store with half a dozen amigos to stomp butt. That said, thank the lord my lass ain't some cheap senseless mohito trying to start fights (I've finally trained that out of her!!), and who knows what bull those girls sold their boyfriends to heat them up...
Zero, while it is undesirable for him to be a human cabbage, I have no sympathy for them. I do not care, if it was a minor hit or not. Were im from, a hit is a hit, and that's it. There is no excuse to EVER put a hand on a woman.(out side of training and intimacy) I don't understand why anyone is trying to minimize the fact he put his hand on a woman. I was raised, that any aggressive touch of any kind is wrong when it comes to females. That is a position I can not ever back down from.
Nobody is minimizing the fact that he put his hand on a woman. What they are doing is looking at the actual facts of the situation, as well as the appropriate reaction. Did he become inappropriately physical with a woman, I think most would agree the answer is yes. Does he deserve to be a vegetable for it? The answer is an absolutely inarguable no. I'm not really sure what you aren't understanding. I also don't understand how you don't understand that having sympathy for a person being brain damaged for an incident that didn't remotely call for it. Weren't you also taught that you don't kick another human being in the head multiple times when they're lying on the ground unconscious, regardless of their previous actions? Doesn't THAT behavior also disgust you?
Live by the sword die by the sword. You go around acting like a jerk and a bad *** some day you will run into bigger badder bad asses. does he deserve to be a veg no but did he bring it on himself yep. Do I have sympathy for him? not really
Jeepers! I understand where you guys (Ballen/K-frame) are coming from but the proportionality seems totally out of wack. I hope to hell you guys are never party to a (not totaly uncommon) stitch up where some lippy broad tells her bros you accosted her/looked at her etc.

Where is the anger coming from that could condone football kicking repeatedly some sod's head who is already out for the count? I was raised by my papy just like you to always get the door, never hit a woman/girl etc and that is pretty hard-coded also (outside of defence) but regardless what my old man said, something inside tells me that that kind of beat-down action - in response to a non-physically damaging slap or less ain't cool.

The only way I could see myself acting like that or I could condone someone else doing that, is if someone actually killed or gravely assaulted your own wife/daughter etc. I can understand then how the chain could be slipped and all control lost. But what the video footage shows ain't even in the same country, yet alone ball park.
I never said I condone anything everyone involved was out of line. I said I can see why it happened and I don't feel for the guy. By all accounts he lived a dangerous and reckless life and it finally caught up to him. Its the nature of the beast. It sucks but had he not been acting like a jerk he wouldn't have gotten his butt kicked. I was a young cocky Marine once and been in plenty of fights and this could have happened to me although I've never struck swung pushed a woman but I have lost fights before there is always someone tougher then you even of you are a former UFC fighter. Its like when a drug dealer gets killed does he deserve to die no but am I sorry again no.

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