Charges Sought Against Rumsfeld Over Prison Abuse

THIS is the kind of politically motivated crap that royally ticks me off! As if the Secretary of Defense was personally responsible for the actions of a few two-stripers that didn't have the integrity and character to keep from humiliating unarmed prisoners! And people wonder why the majority of US citizens are opposed to any treaties that subject US citizens (sans US Constitutional rights) to World Court edicts??!?!?! PuhLEEEEEASE!
Nobody beleives it stopped at the two stripers. Heck, nobody beleives that it was initiated by the two stripers.
Nobody beleives it stopped at the two stripers. Heck, nobody beleives that it was initiated by the two stripers.

Oh? Well I happen to believe that it probably was just a bunch of sexual devients put in a position of power they were not trained or screened for that caused the whole thing. When there is more evidence, I will revise my opinion.
In the end what anyone here thinks doesn't really matter. This will never go to trial. Bush will trot out the standard B.S. line that it would be detremental to national security to give laywers access to whatever classified docs (which probably are only classified for the sake of being classified, not cause of any real threat) they say are needed and the case will get thrown out.
Oh? Well I happen to believe that it probably was just a bunch of sexual devients put in a position of power they were not trained or screened for that caused the whole thing. When there is more evidence, I will revise my opinion.
Quite a bit of serendipity's required for that to be true. (Amazing how their sexual deviance matched up so well with the administration's detention policies.)
And a German court has what authority on an American?

This international court stuff is quite funny.

At most this gets a headline or 2, but nothing ever comes out of these orther than Captain Kangaroo pounding a gavel.
And a German court has what authority on an American?

This international court stuff is quite funny.

At most this gets a headline or 2, but nothing ever comes out of these orther than Captain Kangaroo pounding a gavel.

This is not an international court.
It is a German court acting under Universal Jurisdiction.

The concept of Universal Jursidiction is, I believe relatively new. The premise is that there are actions that are so dispised that no matter where the action was committed, any state can prosecute the action as a crime.
Germany was chosen for the court filing because German law provides "universal jurisdiction" allowing for the prosecution of war crimes and related offenses that take place anywhere in the world.

German law can do this eh? Well, the Germans can believe what they want to believe. Seems they should have looked at this around the 1940's. And now I see the "exclusive" article comes from Time. :rolleyes:
German law can do this eh? Well, the Germans can believe what they want to believe. Seems they should have looked at this around the 1940's. And now I see the "exclusive" article comes from Time. :rolleyes:

Makes you wonder why they bothered to invade other countries when all they had to do is just say they have jurisdiction. I expect Rumsfeld will be receiving a strongly worded letter real soon.
German law can do this eh? Well, the Germans can believe what they want to believe. Seems they should have looked at this around the 1940's. And now I see the "exclusive" article comes from Time.

I post the term to allow you to further your research. The principle of Universal Jurisdiction has been practiced in the past by such nations as the Allies of WW II, Australia, Israel, Canada and the United Kingdom.

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