Can a Black Guy say the word


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
In Pain

well, apparently not.

Sorry Chris Rock.

I don't follow his column, but now and then I stumble across it and find him to be rather spot on.

it's been a sentiment in our house that more and more our 'sports stars' are but a signing bonus away from jail.
And sadly it seems an increasing number can't even follow that simple equation.

And it increasingly starts at the college level as well.
I say yes. Just because a group of friends can sit around calling each other funny variations of the F-word, does not mean a stranger can join in, safely. The same rule applies, here.
It's simple. If the word is offensive, the word is offensive. It's not for polite/good company. What you do or say in private, among your peers is largely your business. But if others can hear you... don't say it. If you wouldn't want your mother or grandmother or kids to hear you saying it -- don't say it.
In the past we used to orient our behavior upward and model ourselves after the finer things in life.

When did it start that we embraced the thug culture?

I kind of like the analogy: The N word is human fecies....

I suppose we need to come to terms with the fact that there is no clean end on which to pick up a turd.
At any rate, as long as it IS happening, don't think you can join in unless you are: A.Black/African American. Or B. Quinton Tarantino.
Rex Kramer can...
But, YMMV...
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It's simple. If the word is offensive, the word is offensive. It's not for polite/good company. What you do or say in private, among your peers is largely your business. But if others can hear you... don't say it. If you wouldn't want your mother or grandmother or kids to hear you saying it -- don't say it.

This goes right along with my thinking. This (IMHO) isn't a question of "can" it is a matter of "why would you want to"?