Brown belt test


Yellow Belt
Apr 27, 2015
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Any ideas on how to prepare for my brown belt test? my teacher said I might be ready to test within a few weeks but they said I need to build up my stamina, any ideas, tips, or any advice to help me get prepared.
btw I am 11, thanks.
If it's long duration stamina, jog around your school oval on every other day for about 3-5Ks. If it's burst stamina, try something like Tabata exercises. Or both...

At 11, do you struggle with stamina in your opinion?
I take it brown belt is right before black belt as it often is in lots of places. If that's so than you can expect the test to be really hard. For building stamina I would say running and swimming.
Any ideas on how to prepare for my brown belt test? my teacher said I might be ready to test within a few weeks but they said I need to build up my stamina, any ideas, tips, or any advice to help me get prepared.
btw I am 11, thanks.

If you are only 11 thought your profile says 14, I think you need to be asking your instructor as it's very easy to overdo it at such a young age and you could end up with damage in later life.
Get a good night's sleep every night.
Many years ago I was told that the difference between a brown belt and a black belt was an unqualified and a qualified beginner. I still remember my Karate brown belt as one of my hardest. They really put us through it. But then again it was Japanese instruction.
I think its maybe a junior grading you are taking?
Many years ago I was told that the difference between a brown belt and a black belt was an unqualified and a qualified beginner. I still remember my Karate brown belt as one of my hardest. They really put us through it. But then again it was Japanese instruction.
Some people here might disagree with you about what a brown belt and black belt means.
Many years ago I was told that the difference between a brown belt and a black belt was an unqualified and a qualified beginner. I still remember my Karate brown belt as one of my hardest. They really put us through it. But then again it was Japanese instruction.
I think its maybe a junior grading you are taking?
I am taking the normal exam that the adults take, the only junior exam we have in our style is for black belt. its a 3 to 5 hour test, for brown belt
I train in keichu ryu karate
I take it brown belt is right before black belt as it often is in lots of places. If that's so than you can expect the test to be really hard. For building stamina I would say running and swimming.
Thanks for the advice, and you are correct it is the belt before black in our system, they say its going to be a really hard 3-5 hour test.
Some people here might disagree with you about what a brown belt and black belt means.
I guess they would. But then again that would depend on how many they took or maybe how many grading panels they sat on in Japan. The term Black belt is a English misnomer anyway. Its Kyu or Dan. In many arts the jump from Ikkyu to Shodan is small. I have participated in shodan pre gradings that cut down the applicants by a half because there are far to many that 'think' they are ready. To put it another way. A grade or belt just generally confirms the level you have reached.

We look for what people can do, not what they have yet to learn. If the OP has done the ground work he will pass.

Best of luck OP.
If I have my knoledge correct kyu is the ranks below black belt while dan is black belt and above
Here's how I've approached your problem in the past:

you know the material-you've probably seen the test (if you haven't, you should before you do it, if possible).....practice the material-figure out where in the test you can take a break-keep going and catch your breath-and where you'll have to really go hard.......split it up that way, and practice it that way-do the hard parts as Tabata sprints....and the "take it easy parts" even harder than you'll go in the test....

Pretty much, though, if your teacher says you're ready, then you probably are....
Thanks for the advice, and you are correct it is the belt before black in our system, they say its going to be a really hard 3-5 hour test.

So your instructor said you need to work on your stamina. As I posted before, I recommend running and swimming but you might also want to ask your instructor what kind of exercises you could do. As for the test being really hard, they are preparing you for the black belt, that's what the brown belt is for. Does the brown belt at your place have different levels? At my place there is brown low, brown middle, brown high, and then black. So your instructor said what you need to work on to be ready for the brown belt, sounds like you've got a good instructor, keep up the good work.
So your instructor said you need to work on your stamina. As I posted before, I recommend running and swimming but you might also want to ask your instructor what kind of exercises you could do. As for the test being really hard, they are preparing you for the black belt, that's what the brown belt is for. Does the brown belt at your place have different levels? At my place there is brown low, brown middle, brown high, and then black. So your instructor said what you need to work on to be ready for the brown belt, sounds like you've got a good instructor, keep up the good work.
Yes there are three different levels, what my Sempi told me is that the 2nd and 3rd test weren't very hard but the first will be the hardest test ever before black belt test.
The reason they started pre gradings was that a lot a of students from the private sector 'thought' they were ready. If your Sensei thinks you are ready you probably are. another factor is people just don't put the time in. They turn up a few months before a grading after a hiatus and give it a go. Try not to look at it as a step up. Its not. It merely confirms the level you already have with the piece of paper to back it up.
If your Sensei thinks you are ready you probably are.
I would have to agree with that. The Sensei would be the most knowledgeable as to whether a student is ready or not. As such, there should be nothing wrong with a student asking if they're ready and if they're not, why they aren't ready and what they need to work on to be ready.
Sorry for the REALLY late reply, but I passed my test a while ago! and indeed it was a 3 hour test that took every bit of energy I had and after I was completely worn out at the end of the test then it was time to FIGHT! after fighting a few times 1 on 1 with different people then I had to fight 3 people at the same time.
I put everything I had into this, Mind Body and Spirit but Indeed I passed! and as someone said in the comments before, now that I look back at it I see that it was actually kind of fun in a way! so I thank all of you for the great answers that helped me pass my test.
Update to everyone who gave me advice for my first brown belt test: I just passed my 2nd degree brown belt test! I wasn't quite as nervous for this one since I already passed my last one. Thanks to everyone who helped me with my first one last year! One more belt standing between me and black :D
Update to everyone who gave me advice for my first brown belt test: I just passed my 2nd degree brown belt test! I wasn't quite as nervous for this one since I already passed my last one. Thanks to everyone who helped me with my first one last year! One more belt standing between me and black :D

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