Brief Introduction


Master of Arts
Apr 5, 2004
Reaction score
Hello, I have just joined this forum and believe it would be polite to introduce myself before posting anything else.

My name is David, I'm 38 years old, and I have been studying Shaolin Kempo for almost 2 years now. I am 6th kyu (but should be 5th within the month, if all goes well). I live in Nebraska; Bellevue to be exact.

This is the first MA I have studied and I thoroughly enjoy it. Recently I learned about its close connection with Karazenpo Goshinjutsu and so I am exploring that now. I met Sijo Vctor Gascon last month, that was exciting!

Also, I have read as much as I can about EPAK (Infinite Insights, Zen of Kenpo, lots of web stuff) and I have some seminars by Jeff Speakman on tape, and some videos by Bob White (is that the same Bob White that posts here? You are very inspiring, sir!). So I will be lurking frequently in the EPAK boards, the technical discussion you guys get into are mind-blowing sometimes.

I'm trying (so far in my head only) to map many of the concepts from AK into the ShK I am studying. I'd be happy to talk about my ideas on that if anyone is interested... actually I'd be happy to talk about them even if NOBODY was interested but I will not clutter the board with that haha.

But mostly I plan on just reading at least 10 times as much as I post - 2 years makes me a novice amongst you experts! Please continue to discuss and even argue everyting from the smallest minutiae of technique to the broadest principles - it is all brain-food for my kenpo mind!

Thanks, and nive to meet you,

On behalf of me, myself, and I ... OK, I guess on behalf of all the MartialTalk Staff, WELCOME to MartialTalk and the Kenpo Fora.

-MT Moderator-
DavidCC said:
Hello, I have just joined this forum and believe it would be polite to introduce myself before posting anything else.

My name is David, I'm 38 years old, and I have been studying Shaolin Kempo for almost 2 years now. I am 6th kyu (but should be 5th within the month, if all goes well). I live in Nebraska; Bellevue to be exact.

This is the first MA I have studied and I thoroughly enjoy it. Recently I learned about its close connection with Karazenpo Goshinjutsu and so I am exploring that now. I met Sijo Vctor Gascon last month, that was exciting!

Also, I have read as much as I can about EPAK (Infinite Insights, Zen of Kenpo, lots of web stuff) and I have some seminars by Jeff Speakman on tape, and some videos by Bob White (is that the same Bob White that posts here? You are very inspiring, sir!). So I will be lurking frequently in the EPAK boards, the technical discussion you guys get into are mind-blowing sometimes.

I'm trying (so far in my head only) to map many of the concepts from AK into the ShK I am studying. I'd be happy to talk about my ideas on that if anyone is interested... actually I'd be happy to talk about them even if NOBODY was interested but I will not clutter the board with that haha.

But mostly I plan on just reading at least 10 times as much as I post - 2 years makes me a novice amongst you experts! Please continue to discuss and even argue everyting from the smallest minutiae of technique to the broadest principles - it is all brain-food for my kenpo mind!

Thanks, and nive to meet you,
welcome. I look forward to debating issues with you. :uhyeah:
Be welcome to the forum.
I hope you enjoy you time here and will post to ask questions and be informative on your art.
Welcome to the board. Out of all the Martial Arts boards I've seen this one is one of the better ones. I hope you have fun.

DavidCC said:
I have been studying Shaolin Kempo for almost 2 years now. I am 6th kyu (but should be 5th within the month, if all goes well).

Also, I have read as much as I can about EPAK (Infinite Insights, Zen of Kenpo, lots of web stuff) and I have some seminars by Jeff Speakman on tape, and some videos by Bob White (is that the same Bob White that posts here? You are very inspiring, sir!). So I will be lurking frequently in the EPAK boards, the technical discussion you guys get into are mind-blowing sometimes.

I'm trying (so far in my head only) to map many of the concepts from AK into the ShK I am studying. I'd be happy to talk about my ideas on that if anyone is interested... actually I'd be happy to talk about them even if NOBODY was interested but I will not clutter the board with that haha.

it is all brain-food for my kenpo mind!

Thanks, and nive to meet you,

Wow... a truely open minded martial artist!!!
Welcome. :asian:
I really look forward to reading your input and especially your questions!
If you are ever down south, in Kansas.... drop me a line.
Your Brother
Well met! I hope you aren't too shy with your opinions! (gets a little quite around here, sometimes...esp if everybody agrees all the time, about everything. Happens a lot.)


Dr. Dave
Welcome to the forum!!

Thanks for the warm welcome :)

"Well met! I hope you aren't too shy with your opinions! (gets a little quite around here, sometimes...esp if everybody agrees all the time, about everything. Happens a lot.)"

I've been reading throuigh lots of old posts here, I must have missed those threads LOL

Actually I do plan on being shy with my opinins, at least on this board LOL! I've got other outlets for my opinions and decrees, I just want to pick brains over here... I will however not be afraid to ask y'all to explain some things that might seem very basic, but if the answer is "go see I.I. v3 p 123" that is OK too haha Unless you reference volume 4, I don't have that one yet!!!! dang e-bay single-book auctions!

John - I don't get to travel much lately, at least not until I am done planning / executing / paying for my impending wedding... however I am planning to compete in Lou Angel's tournament in June in Joplin, Mo. Also, one of the Instructors at our school was in Perry KS this last weekend for a multi-discipline weekend seminar. Was that near you?

OK, now off to read more old threads... thanks again everyone!

Aloha nui loa

You are amoung friend even if it sounds like that we are not. just remember that Martial Artist are strongly opionated and mostly believe that they are right. The key is just keeping an open mind.

Respectfully in Kenpo

DavidCC said:
Hello, I have just joined this forum and believe it would be polite to introduce myself before posting anything else. My name is David, I'm 38 years old, been studying Shaolin Kempo for almost 2 years, am 6th kyu, I live in Bellevue, Nebraska.

Thanks, and nice to meet you, David.

Welcome and join in......... :asian:
This looks like a good place to make my first post and introduce myself also. I am Jerry, 35 yrs. old and am a Brown Belt in Kajukenbo Tum Pai. For those of you who don't know much about Tum Pai, it is a blend of Original Kajukenbo and Tai Chi. Don't let the Tai Chi thing fool you, this is still a very lethal and effective Martial Art. It centers around off-centering yourself while redirecting and off-balancing your attacker. These concepts come from the Tai Chi part of it. After that is accomplished it turns into a rather hardstyle finish. I train at the original Tum Pai school opened by GM Loren in Longview Washington in 1978. My teacher is Sifu Steve Larson. Looking forward to some good discussions. Peace

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