Boxing Vs. Ma-ists

I still don't understand why people contrast boxers with martial artists.

Boxing is a martial art. Yes it is a sport, and a profession, but so is Judo for some people, and yet it is a martial art too.

Contrasting boxing with *a given style* of martial art might be more productive.

Useful knowledge can come from examining each styles weaknesses and strengths compared to other styles, and how that style can best cope with another style without simply incorporating elements of that other style.

For instance a Karate block probably won't work against a boxer, but against a grappler it would have some effect.

To me a boxer is a martial artist.
Originally posted by Carbon

You can't compare a communist society.

I mean come on they have no choices over anything and they are psycho disciplined. They live their lives just getting disciplined over and over whether it be at the MA school or at there house.

I would never want to live or go to asia for the simple fact that its chaos.
I see you're talking out of ignorance.

You probably never went outside the Western world.

I went to Hong Kong after the Britain 'era' and it was fine. People go to Beijing, or the other places of China. South Korea and Japan are technologically advanced. Thailand is also nice and although a bit humid, it has great sights. The only place you really can't go is North Korea.
Originally posted by Bod

I still don't understand why people contrast boxers with martial artists.

Boxing is a martial art. Yes it is a sport, and a profession, but so is Judo for some people, and yet it is a martial art too.

Contrasting boxing with *a given style* of martial art might be more productive.

Useful knowledge can come from examining each styles weaknesses and strengths compared to other styles, and how that style can best cope with another style without simply incorporating elements of that other style.

For instance a Karate block probably won't work against a boxer, but against a grappler it would have some effect.

To me a boxer is a martial artist.

I can agree with that, since I have studied CMA and no other, I am really only relating a boxer to CMA anyway. It is true that a boxer would be considered a martial artisit in the true sense of the word.

This discussion was old in 1967 when I started judo. But it can be interesting. Boxing, wrestling, etc. are MA. Just from a different tradition. Which is superior, who will win in a fight. The one who has trained harder and is in better shape. If training and skill in the respective arts are equal, the edge goes to the one who has more weapons in their arsenal and can use them effectively. But that is theoretical. Things are never equal, and in a match or a fight, crap happens. Besides, the implication in the discussion is that a boxer can't kick, sweep or throw. Who says. A kick to knee doesn't take years of training and a trip is almost instinctive, just watch 2 kids wrestling around some day. Just my opinion.

Process meaning I have no money and I'm trying to find a new job so I can sign up for classes.

Um, I know alot of asian people from China, Korea, Japan you name it. The culture of asian country's is very disciplined.

This is why they are so well respected when they compare workers from america and workers from any asian country where they live to work they don't work to live. I mean the whole mentality between the two places is very huge.

This is why the average asian MAist would probably stand alot better chance then the american average MAist. Yes this may be generalizing and Yes I understand that there are seperate country's within asia and they are not all communist.
Originally posted by Carbon

Process meaning I have no money and I'm trying to find a new job so I can sign up for classes.

Um, I know alot of asian people from China, Korea, Japan you name it. The culture of asian country's is very disciplined.

This is why they are so well respected when they compare workers from america and workers from any asian country where they live to work they don't work to live. I mean the whole mentality between the two places is very huge.

This is why the average asian MAist would probably stand alot better chance then the american average MAist. Yes this may be generalizing and Yes I understand that there are seperate country's within asia and they are not all communist.

The many asian people you know are imagrants from these countries? I'm half native american, have my tribal affiliation and everything, still I would not consider myself an expert on how Native Americans are or were treated. I've been to many reservations, but I've never lived on one. My point is, even someone who has roots from one country doesn't mean they know whats goign on over there now, especially at 17 years of age.

I don't know what you mean about asian workers being more respected than american workers, I think someone has given you false information there. The decline in the need for MA in many countries has attributed to the decline of the teaching and or practicing of many MA. I would generalize more in that a MAist who trains extensivly has a better chance than a MAist who does not train very much, regardless of country of origin.

A boxer uses his hands a martial artist uses his body as a weapon. But we had a boxer come down to our club, he was training for his first pro fight, he went 15 by 3 minute rounds againest 5 of our kickboxers. The lads used hands only, the share power the boxer pocessed was scarey but on the plus side for our 5 KBoxers all lasted (with sore ribbs and heads the next day) and had only been training form 1 to 2 years the boxer had been training for 15 years!!
We do full contact MMA so we also make sure we can box as well as do other MA. I have no problems going up against a boxer using his sport.