

MTS Alumni
Mar 17, 2002
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N.C. Ohio
What books do you find to be the most valueable in your training. Not necessarily being your TKD bible or anything but various types that you believe to be better than others? The only TKD books I have are all from Hee Il Cho. They each have good info. in them but I was looking for different types of books to own.
TaeKwon-Do by General Choi is the one I use the most for any remembering I might need. For patterns I use the USTF pattern book. Those are the only TKD books I have, the rest are mostly kenpo.

Master Richard Chun's "Tae Kwon Do, The Korean Martial Art". The book is over 500 pages and shows the Pal Gae patterns in photograph. I have a hardback copy I found in an Antiquarian (used) book store for only $20.00. It's in very good shape. I suggest to anybody interested to browse in the "old" used book stores. You can locate some interesting "finds" from time to time.

white belt
Try doing a search on any of the book stores online. Start with or barnes and noble and see what you get.

Maybe even e-bay :eek:

Tried searching everywhere but E-bay so far. No one has it (or they're just not willing to sell it). I can find our GM's first book, Korean Karate: The Art of Tae Kwon Do, but I can still get that from the WTA for a lot less than a used bookstore would have it for.

I can try E-bay, but I'm afraid it;ll turn up pretty much the same results.

Thanks for trying Marginal, but it looks like anyone who might have Black Belt Korean Karate just doesn't want to sell it (and I don't blame them). I suppose I'll just have to wait until Prentice Hall's hold on the copyright expire and the WTA can print more of them. :(
Try poking around antiquarian book sites. There are plenty of 'em floating around the web. Easier to turn up an OOP from them than Ebay etc.