Books from our members that won't make the Best Seller List this year


3rd Black Belt
Jul 24, 2008
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Here's a list of Books written by some of our Members you won't likely see on the NYT best seller List this ( or any other) Christmas. Inspired by the " you know your ninjer skool might be suspect if" thread.

1. Authentic Judy Chops, Tire Flips, and Throwing Star Ninja Secrets from the Ming Dynasty, by Chris Parker

2. In Praise of Kata, Sparring is for Suckers. by Andrew Green

3. In the Zen Garden, Self Knowledge and Enlightenment by. R. donnaven

4. People don't Kill People, Gun's Kill People, Disarm America by Andy M

5. Chivallry is Dead and I killed it. by Sukarrin (Mark)

6. Pregnant and Barefoot, Knowing my place, Irene B.

7. Don't rock the boat, Why being Politicall Correct is a good thing, by Last Legionarry

8. Our mothers, Our Sisters, our friends; On being respectful. by Tibereous

9. Complex uses of grammer and spelling for esay writting by Grendel308

10. It was an Accident! I killed Chuck Norris by Soke Calkins

please feel free to add your own
11. Sinanju: Myth or Code for MSK Hapkido? by zDom
Settle in, folks. This is going to be one long book, by chris parker. :)
So, gotta ask, why exactly do I have two books here? Surely I'm not the most verbose individual populating this forum, nor indeed any other fora, across all disciplines, ranges, and viewpoints?

Oh, okay, it's for things like that, isn't it? Cool. Got it.
So, gotta ask, why exactly do I have two books here? Surely I'm not the most verbose individual populating this forum, nor indeed any other fora, across all disciplines, ranges, and viewpoints?

Oh, okay, it's for things like that, isn't it? Cool. Got it.
Verbose? Definitely. Loquacious? Maybe... sometimes. :D
So, gotta ask, why exactly do I have two books here? Surely I'm not the most verbose individual populating this forum, nor indeed any other fora, across all disciplines, ranges, and viewpoints?

Oh, okay, it's for things like that, isn't it? Cool. Got it.

Cause your "special" :). and much loved :kiss:

Me thinks that if we were only to get best selling authors to join our site, we will have members on the best seller list. Don't thank me now...:ultracool