Bo Staff Training Vlog (Demo)

Great. He definitely get some good stuff from you.

You shouldn't take what I say as if it was a personal attack because it wasn't. As far as "what doesn't look good on your thread"

1. No one is perfect.
2. Everyone learns from zero and improve.
3. People make mistakes and get things wrong. I've made tones of mistakes and got tons of things wrong and a lot of those instances were some of my best learning experiences. I still get things wrong, but that's just life. It happens and it's nothing to be ashamed of, embarrassed about, or angry about.
4. Nothing I've said has made you look bad in anyone's eyes.

This is what I said about you "No need to say anything else. You are straight forward about what your interest in Martial arts and I appreciate that more than you know."
Not sure how a statement like this "doesn't look good on your thread."

No thanks. I'm on the opposite end of the Martial Arts scale. Martial arts performance really isn't my thing.

Thanks for the clarification. I appreciate it, and look forward to hearing more from you in the future. Your advice means a lot to me! Here's to training :cigar:
Here is something a bit different but related. This is some more basic training that I do just to give a better picture of the overall training that I do. Any input is appreciated :shamefullyembarrased:

...As stated, this was a training vlog, so I don't think we need to beat the nail on the head about what you are posting about. In my opinion, it's not necessary to comment on what's wrong, I can take a look and see as I am a martial artist as well. I'm not really sure what the purpose is, but it doesn't look good on my thread.... :banghead:

Dude, if you post it here, it ain't your thread anymore. It's everybody's thread to discuss. Yeah we try to have good manners, but if you pos't it, you can't control the comments. People have a right to express their honest opinion. Just sayin'.

BTW, the expression is "hit the nail on the head", and that means to hit the mark or get it right. Normally, that's a good thing! Maybe your are thinking of the phrase, "to beat a dead horse"?
Dude, if you post it here, it ain't your thread anymore. It's everybody's thread to discuss. Yeah we try to have good manners, but if you pos't it, you can't control the comments. People have a right to express their honest opinion. Just sayin'.

BTW, the expression is "hit the nail on the head", and that means to hit the mark or get it right. Normally, that's a good thing! Maybe your are thinking of the phrase, "to beat a dead horse"?

You're totally right about that, and I wasn't trying to be 100% serious with all of that. Thanks for sharing. I'm trying to get used to it over text communications. As you can tell I like to communicate with some of my video footage, and I'm working out the best way to communicate and express my ideas with more clarity.

Yeah that's it - 'beat a dead horse'. Now I feel like a righteous stooge!

edit: forgot to mention that I am really enjoying this discussion, thanks all.
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After discussing this topic publically on this thread and privately, I have taken your recommendations seriously and enrolled in a Contemporary Wushu class 1x/week for 3 months. I joined a class and found the school to be accessible, the teacher and all the students were welcoming. It was a large group, I could tell everyone was there to practice Kung Fu, but the students were casual enough to make it seem like a good atmosphere for me to train in.

When the higher-level groups performed forms the teacher seemed to call out 'ques' and I was wondering if this was how they do it in a Wushu demonstration competition.

I was also invited to try a Sanda/Sanshou class which appeals to me as I enjoy a good spar from time to time, so instruction in this could be a good experience for me. I have been looking for some good (safe/friendly) sparring partners in my area.

Thanks and I will be looking forward to updating you how my training is going and any questions/comments are appreciated!
After discussing this topic publically on this thread and privately, I have taken your recommendations seriously and enrolled in a Contemporary Wushu class 1x/week for 3 months. I joined a class and found the school to be accessible, the teacher and all the students were welcoming. It was a large group, I could tell everyone was there to practice Kung Fu, but the students were casual enough to make it seem like a good atmosphere for me to train in.

When the higher-level groups performed forms the teacher seemed to call out 'ques' and I was wondering if this was how they do it in a Wushu demonstration competition.

I was also invited to try a Sanda/Sanshou class which appeals to me as I enjoy a good spar from time to time, so instruction in this could be a good experience for me. I have been looking for some good (safe/friendly) sparring partners in my area.

Thanks and I will be looking forward to updating you how my training is going and any questions/comments are appreciated!
Because you are more into performance.. Document your Journey and thoughts like a video diary. I sometimes wished I would have documented mine, but back then smart phones weren't a thing.

If you want me to watch something. I'd watch that. To hear what it's like to be a beginner and to hear your perspective as a beginner.
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Because you are more into performance.. Document your Journey and thoughts like a video diary. I sometimes wished I would have documented mine, but back then smart phones weren't a thing.

If you want me to watch something. I'd watch that. To hear what it's like to be a beginner and to go through what the experience is like as a beginner.

Sure thanks for the recommendation, I will consider it. I'm still trying to work out how to express my thoughts in digital media format.

My background is in traditional self-defense focused Kung Fu, and I am a beginning performer. This means that I am interested in Performance, but not 'more' interested in it as you have stated several times throughout this post. I have previously responded to this saying that performance 'is not the only thing I was interested in'. The material which I choose to share is for performance, but personally I study martial arts for self-defense. I don't want to share self-defense techniques online, or even talk about my formal training in my videos because it's very personal to me and I don't want people to make assumptions about me or my self-defense training. Performance is a whole different ball-game and I have decided that I am willing to put myself out there for these types of demonstrations as opposed to speaking on traditional martial arts, etc. That is to say, I have my work cut out for me physically and mentally, but I just thought I would share. Thanks again for the recommendation, I am happy that you would watch me vlogging about my training, and I'm thinking about the best way to do this already!!
The material which I choose to share is for performance, but personally I study martial arts for self-defense. I don't want to share self-defense techniques online, or even talk about my formal training in my videos because it's very personal to me and I don't want people to make assumptions about me or my self-defense training.
Good to hear only because I'm biased when it comes to how to train martial arts. I wouldn't worry about people making assumptions about you are your self-defense training. Accept that it is going to happen and just correct that assumption as you have here. Now matter how hard I train or how good I get. People are going to make assumptions about my training. I just accept it as part of what Martial Artists have to deal with.

The only real way to lessen this is to share what your perspective and understanding of Martial Arts. But with that said, a lot of stuff will have to be cleared with your school as to how much you can talk about or share on video as what you say and do in regards to techniques represents your school and your instructors / teachers. If you explain a technique and then get it wrong, then it makes the school look as if they aren't teaching you correctly. Out of all the videos I've done and made. I still haven't posted an instructional video.

That is to say, I have my work cut out for me physically and mentally, but I just thought I would share.