Bloomberg finances investigation in Ohio and other states


Feb 3, 2005
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Huber Heights, OH
Says that "the gun show loophole" is real and sellers are selling illegally. Claims that two licensed and two private dealers in Bill Goodman's Gun Show, in Ohio, offered to make illegal sales to undercover investigators.

Dave Goodman says if there is evidence of illegal activity, it should be turned over to the ATF and that those convicted of illegal activity would be immediately and irrevocably ejected from his event.

If true, the illegal Licensed Dealers should be treated in accordance with the law, which (going by memory) includes possibilities of license revocation, fines, and even jail time.

Peace favor your sword,
If it were a loophole, it wouldn't be illegal, now would it?
Cliffs notes for those who think that there's a loophole:

All dealers who have FFL's (which is pretty much any commercial dealer) at gun shows must conduct NICS / ATF 4473 background checks.

The only exceptions to this, is when someone is making a sale from his own private collection. There are no laws forbidding this. Even if you forbade such transactions from going on at gun shows, someone could simply go to the parking lot, and make the transaction there.
I completely concur. Completely ignoring the law is not a "loophole" in the law.

But that's how Bloomberg is spinning it.

For what it's worth, he's a political hack and I don't for one second believe his motivation was merely to stop illegal sales or to prevent crimes perpetrated with illegally obtained weapons.

Further, any FFL dealers breaking the law should be dealt with in accordance with the law.

Peace favor your sword,
Anybody that uses the term (or believes that there is) a "gun show loophole" is an idiot.
"Closing the gun show loophole" is leftist-speak for making private sales illegal.

For what it's worth, he's a political hack and I don't for one second believe his motivation was merely to stop illegal sales or to prevent crimes perpetrated with illegally obtained weapons.

This says it in much nicer language than I would use...
If it were a loophole, it wouldn't be illegal, now would it?

Caught that bit of idiocy did you? Yep, ole' Loonberg and his 'illegal loopholes'.....what a moron.....unfortunately a rich and powerful one.
Caught that bit of idiocy did you? Yep, ole' Loonberg and his 'illegal loopholes'.....what a moron.....unfortunately a rich and powerful one.
I disagree.

I don't believe that he's a moron. I think that he's either misguided or self-serving and most likely the latter. You don't typically get to be/stay "rich and powerful" by being stupid. However, he's depending on his constituency being easily manipulated. In short, he thinks you and the PEOPLE WHO VOTE FOR HIM are morons. In fact, he's counting on it.

Peace favor your sword,