Blapsphemy ??? Arrrrrgh !!!


Sifu DangeRuss

Okay...there is more to be said. I re-read the initial comment and felt compelled to add at least one more thought.

There is a reason they call what we do the Martial Arts. Some folks tend to forget the "Art" aspect of our endeavors. Art is always subject to interpretation. That is what makes it art. Creativity and interpretation are what brought our founding fathers wandering down this path we now walk in the beginning. They have cleared the beginings of the path if you will...and I believe that they meant for us to continue the journey, not simply stop and park where they quit clearing the trail.
Creativity+functionality in self defense=martial art

There's been studies of the artsy part of MA done before. I can post a link here if you want to read one of them.

Art is a question in which the answer is not implicit
Originally posted by Sifu DangeRuss
Okay...there is more to be said. I re-read the initial comment and felt compelled to add at least one more thought.

What are you talking about?

By the way, Russ, the line, "In the interim, please bare with us" appears on your website. Unless you're inviting people to study Kenpo naked with you, you might want to change that to "bear." :)


As to "What am I babbling about ?" Well...This forum is new to me, and I was "attempting" to respond to a previous thread re: "The Evils of Changing a technique"...and instead of hitting "Reply to" I inavertantly (White belt mistake) hit the "New thread" button. So if you need me...I'll just be over here doing my penitent push-ups.

As to working out naked ? Well...what the HECK ???
*...shrugs...* The only problem I see eXactly how and where to affix the patch ???

Sifu Russ
Originally posted by Sifu DangeRuss
This forum is new to me

Well welcome. :asian:

So if you need me...I'll just be over here doing my penitent push-ups.

There's no need for that. But if you do them, make sure you get in a few on your fists and fingertips.

The only problem I see eXactly how and where to affix the patch ???

The "how" concerns me much more than the "where."


BTW...much thanks for the vigilent eye. The neverending job of proofreading a constantly changing site sometimes allows these faux paus (sp?) to occure. Sometimes making it more dificult, is I KNOW what it is supposed to say, and thus my mind imposes that template over whatever I actually see. Once more thank you...and if you figure out a better method than staples or thumbtacks to affix the patch...lemme know quick !!!

Sifu Russ